Ports of Genoa: record 2021 for container traffic – Liguria

Toti “Port system has seized the restart of the country”

(ANSA) – GENOA, 19 FEB – For the port system of the Western Ligurian Sea (Genoa, Savona, Vado Ligure) 2021 marked the record in container traffic with 2,781,112 teu, 10.3% more than in 2020. A result achieved in the year in which Vado Gateway concluded the startup phase and Calata Bettolo the first twelve months of full activity in the port of Genoa. “It was a year of clear recovery for the ports of Genoa that have recovered better than in the pre-pandemic period” explained the president Paolo Emilio Signorini: “And it was the highest year ever in container handling”.

Still on the subject of containers, the Western Ligurian Sea system in the first 9 months of 2021 recorded the most consistent growth (+ 17.4%), together with Barcelona (+ 30.84%), compared to the ports of the Northern range. Liquid bulk remains behind: oil and mineral oils (-14% on 2019 and + 11.5% on 202). Ferries, almost 1.9 million passengers, only filled the decline in the heaviest period of the pandemic (+ 41.6% on 2020 but still -25% compared to 2019) and the cruise sector, also in recovery, is still far from the 2019 levels: the total cruise passengers between Genoa and Savona is 591,391, + 186.1% compared to 2020, but still -70.7% compared to 2019.

The comment of the president of the Region Giovanni Toti was positive. “The port system of Genoa and Savona / Vado confirms that it has fully grasped the restart of Liguria and the country. The port of Genoa remains the most important port at national level and one of the main at European level. It is essential to make our ports increasingly capable of competing internationally, I am thinking for example of the advantages that the new dam will bring “. (HANDLE).