Genoa, landed from a positive cruise ship – Chronicle

(ANSA) – GENOA, 09 JAN – A group of Covid-19 positive passengers disembarked in Genoa from the cruise ship MSC Fantasia docked this morning in the port of Genoa. The ship came from the port of Marseille. The passengers were disembarked but the ship continued its stages leaving for La Spezia.

Last Monday, also in Genoa, the MSC Grandiosa ship disembarked 40 Covid-positive passengers who were transferred by protected buses to their homes in Northern Italy. The foreign passengers had been accompanied to two RSAs in Genoa and southern Piedmont for quarantine. Today, however, the Usmaf maritime health has asked the Regional Civil Protection for 9 places at the operational territorial structure in Genoa.

“By implementing the strict measures provided for by the Protocol – reads the MSC note -, the positive passengers and their close contacts were immediately isolated in cabins with balconies and assisted from the health point of view, being disembarked in Genoa to be transferred in protected in their homes. The timely identification of some isolated cases has demonstrated, once again, the validity and effectiveness of the MSC ‘Safety and Health Protocol’ “. The protocol provides, among other things, the vaccination of passengers and the entire crew which is tested every two days, while cruise passengers are subjected to the swab at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the cruise. On the ship there is physical distancing, the obligation to wear a mask and the continuous sanitization of the environments and contact surfaces. The safety protocols – to conclude the note – are not found in any other sector of tourism and hospitality, thus allowing to identify cases of positive people that a land could probably never have been traced and that are, in any case, a percentage significantly lower than in the cases of contagion developed on the ground “. (ANSA).