The CGIL of Genoa opens archives and shows works of art – Liguria

Archives and a widespread museum are online

(ANSA) – GENOA, 09 DEC – There is also a ‘public call’, an appeal to people who are in possession of material linked to the history of the CGIL of Genoa so that they can implement the historical archive already present. This was also the case during the event: “Work as culture. Documents, photos, posters, art and culture in the history of the Genoa Metropolitan Chamber of Labor” during which the CGIL presented its spoken heritage to the city cultural and artistic history, which can be consulted on the web.
This is the historical archive, established in the seventies, which contains documents from the early years of the second post-war period to the nineties, and a second that preserves the material that arrived following public calls and on the initiative of trade organizations and individual members. This is joined by the ‘diffuse museum’ which has around 120 works, paintings, graphics and sculptures from the Cgil Picture Gallery in Genoa, created starting from the first half of the 1980s, donated by artists; of the Genoese section of; National Union of Artists. “Over time, the workers’ movement has made demands and achievements of a trade union and political nature that have shaped the history of our city – recalled Igor Magni, secretary of the Chamber of Labor of Genoa – I believe that free access to documents is the tool through which the history of the world of work can be made available not only to professionals but also to those who have an interest in coming into contact and dealing with this wealth of knowledge “. A movement that has often affected the fate of the country, from the strike of 1900, to the liberation struggle, to the events of June 1960; “They are 125 years of history and I am very happy that this work of recovering the testimonies and photographs is being done – explained the mayor, Marco Bucci – Genoa has always played a leading role, it has been ahead of its time in the past and does so even today, with a leadership role “. (HANDLE).