Toulouse – ASM: the notebook of Clermontois

Toulouse – ASM: the notebook of Clermontois

Peni Ravai (6). Another big ball presence in the hands of the Fijian pillar. He was hard on impact, most often advanced when he was defying the Toulouse front curtain. Author of a superb breakthrough (37e) on which he tears off stadist claws. Rather solid in melee. Replaced by Falgoux (48e) which was mainly present in defense and in the rucksack area.

Yohan Beheregaray (4). His loss in touch was too important in such a close match. On a throw-in at 5 meters (14e), he is sanctioned for having cocked his arm twice. He misplaced two other lancers. Despite his activity, he lacked physical density. Replaced by Fourcade (48e) who never knew how to find the right tempo in touch.

Jono Gibbes (ASM), after Toulouse: “We are progressing but not enough for the moment”

Cristian Ojovan (5.5). On the static phases he did the job. In defense, he worked a lot with efficiency. Replaced by Falatea (48e) who wanted to find out but lost several balloons.

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Paul Jedrasiak (5.5). For his first game of the season he lacked a bit of rhythm but he gave a lot in the fight. On the other hand, he missed several tackles and he does not manage to return Jelonch on his try. Replaced by Amatosero (48e) who suffered in the physical dimension. He drops the last ball of the match, a habit that calls out to him.

Sébastien Vahaamahina (5.5). He scrapped a lot and tried to blow up the varnish of Toulouse’s defensive curtain. All without fault. To his liabilities, a poorly assured pass to Lopez in Toulouse 22 meters on a highlight of his team. He came out with a concussion.

ASM Clermont lacked realism against a Stade Toulousain sure of its strength

Peceli Yato (6). Impactful, active, we forgive him some defensive mistakes. Another bad point, he rate the reception of the kickoff of the second period which brings the test of Jelonch, allowing Toulouse to pass in front. Replaced by Cancoriet (48e) which was less sharp than against La Rochelle.

Alexandre Fischer (5). Good, with incessant defensive activity on hot spots on the ground (several contests to his credit) but also less good with a lack of discipline. His yellow card is still severe. He offers three points to the Toulouse striker on a stupid fault when he loses his support by coming to the support of Lee.

Fritz Lee (6.5). Metronome, as often, he set the pace by carrying a large number of balloons. He sometimes ran into a wall, but his activity remains essential to his team.

Toulouse – ASM Clermont: Give your marks

Sébastien Bézy (5). Faced with his former partners and in his former stadium, the scrum-half got in tune with his team in the first half by trying to eject quickly and putting the rhythm. He had less opportunity to do so in the second half. Replaced by Viallard (66th).

Camille Lopez (5). His two failed attempts against the poles weighed on the ASM’s balance sheet at the break. With five more, the Clermontois would indeed have better rewarded the points of their first period. The opener will have been less influential in his team’s play than in his previous outings.

Alivereti Raka (6). The Clermont winger weighed on the opposing defense when he was on the pitch. With 50 meters covered with the ball in hand, 5 defenders beaten and 1 try, all in just half an hour of play, Alivereti Raka had a good evening.
Replaced by Marvin O’Connor (5) who had the merit of scoring on his first ball (34th). More discreet thereafter.

Tani Vili (6). The young center remained on the impression given by its last performances. Vili often put his family forward and offered a lot. With eight defenders beaten, the Clermontois showed that we could count on him. He must have clenched his teeth as he ended the match with a limp, visibly hit in a calf.

Top 14: ASM Clermont too ineffective tilts with the Toulouse leader (reread the live)

Damien Penaud (6.5). Its repositioning in the center was one of the positive points of the evening on the Clermont side. His attacking rugby may have expressed itself better than in his last wing matches. He was a permanent danger for the Toulouse defense. More discreet when he returned to his position as a winger after the exit of Pourailly (56th).

Bastien Pourailly (5.5). He did some good things on his wing like this action where he shifts well Penaud (19th). But also less good as when he procrastinated a little too much on a new Clermont offensive (38th) by forgetting to give to his center. Replaced by JJ Hanrahan who evolved in the center (56th).

Kotaro Matsushima (5.5). A meeting start full of juice and initiatives. The races of the Japanese rear were sharp and caused breaches in the Toulouse defense. He was the victim of more approximations thereafter and was more discreet over the minutes.

Christophe Buron and Arnaud Clergue



