DEPECHE INFO.  Toulouse: at 16, he has a heart attack after a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine

DEPECHE INFO. Toulouse: at 16, he has a heart attack after a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine

the essential
A teenager from Haute-Garonne suffered from heart ailments after his first injection of the anti-covid vaccine. His mother is sounding the alarm signal so that parents are alert to symptoms.

“It was as if I were sinking thorns in my heart.” Gabriel *, a 16-year-old teenager from Haute-Garonne, and his mother, Anne *, are “angry and worried”. Since the injection of his first dose of the anti-covid vaccine, the teenager has suffered from myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle. “As he is very athletic, his basketball club required the health pass. On September 11, he received his first dose of Pfizer, says Anne. Two days later, he was in high school where he is educated in Première. During the day, he calls me. He was very sick in his heart. The nurse told him it was nothing, that it was going to be okay. “

And indeed, the symptoms are easing. “Two days later, still in high school, it starts again. He said it was like someone was crushing his heart. We told him to breathe, that it was okay ”. Once again, Gabriel’s state of health improves but, forty-eight hours later, begins to rebound. “He was in pain at home. He was bent over and grabbed his chest. He was decomposed. After a minute, I realized the gravity ”.

The family consults their attending physician who immediately refers them to a cardiologist. The latter prescribes examinations which take place on a Saturday morning. “In the afternoon, I received a phone call from the laboratory which had the results. They told me to take Gabriel to the emergency room immediately ”. Verdict: Too high a troponin level. “In Pasteur’s emergency room, he was hospitalized. They kept it. The rate kept going up. If he had not been hospitalized, it is not known what would have happened. He had heart inflammation from the vaccine. It’s written in black and white. He was treated for three months and was banned from sports for a month. When it is poorly treated, we risk a stroke or a heart attack ”.

“It’s a double penalty”

Today, Gabriel is doing well and should take back the basket next week. “I’m afraid it will take me back,” he says. Anne insists: “I am not an anti-vaccine at all but we must warn other parents so that they are attentive”. In their certificate, the doctors specify: “In this context of serious adverse effects post-vaccination COVID, we retain a contraindication to the administration of a second dose”.

After talks with social security, Gabriel was issued a “health pass”. The latter forbids him to leave France. “It’s a double penalty. He had to go to Valencia for the basket and to London with his sister ”. Gabriel’s family, advised by Me Bénédicte Guettard, is considering actions. “It is for public health,” said the lawyer.



