Sammarinese denounces: “My mother blocked a cannabis-based therapy”.  The ISS: “These drugs never denied”

Sammarinese denounces: “My mother blocked a cannabis-based therapy”. The ISS: “These drugs never denied”

For a few days the story of one has been in the press and on social media 85 year old lady, seriously ill with Parkinson’s and admitted to the La Fiorina RSA, to which – says the family – “the administration of a cannabis-based therapy was blocked, although initially planned”. It is not a medicine but a cbd oil, extracted from Hemp plants, which is not on the handbook in San Marino but available in Italy for a fee. However, it would already have been used at home by other patients suffering from the same pathology, through samples free of charge granted by public health to patients, and with satisfactory results.

Despite the prescription, therefore, it seems that the therapy in question was not considered appropriate by the Institute because not yet formalized in San Marino and therefore not administrable within a public structure. On a war footing in particular the daughter of the old lady who has already leaned out report to the gendarmerie against the Is Management: “That denied product – he says – could help to relax my mother’s muscle tone, allowing her to alleviate suffering or at least to feed with less effort”. Attempt of treatment – it must be said – that before the stop, even the geriatrician and the neurologist consultant Iss had been considered suitable to reduce the severe muscle in the patient. The daughter relies on the law 113/2021 which regulates the use of cannabis-based products for therapeutic use.

During the day the replica of‘ISS: he clarifies, for his part, that it has already been several years since pharmaceutical handbook be inserted and used in the Pharmacy Republic based on cannabis derivatives and defends his actions, following the news that appeared in the newspapers: “Never denied these drugs to an RSA guest“. An implicit reference to the fact that the product in question is not a medicinal product. And in the specific case “he informs that at the moment no guest of the structure needs therapies for which these medicines are indicated by international guidelines and at the same time reassures the San Marino community that all guests will be assisted following the better and more therapeutic and health indications, and with the same attention, professionalism and humanity “. Regret, moreover, for “the alarming, generic and imprecise content of the health information contained in the press articles, which risk generating – they point out – unjustified fears in the clients and in the relatives of the guests “. “In the light of what has been published and to restore a correct reconstruction of what happened and provide the right information, – concludes the Institute – all the offices in charge of the necessary checks and inspections have been activated“. a complicated case; a dispute that to date is far from closed.



