Lídři V4 chválí spolupráci s Jižní Koreou.  Babiš čeká její účast v tendru na Dukovany

Lídři V4 chválí spolupráci s Jižní Koreou. Babiš čeká její účast v tendru na Dukovany

„V uplynulých pěti letech se obchod mezi zeměmi V4 a Koreou rozvinul o 40 percent. In view of the fact that the former prime ministers are currently investing in this area, “Oral Bank Viktor, a member of the current state of V4 and the summit of the organization, has been appointed to the current state.

Or. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the aid is granted on a case-by-case basis.

According to the Czech premiere, Andreje Babiše is a member of the State of the United States and is now a member of the German and Spanish States. „Velice si vážíme těchto invest, spolupráce je velice dobrá,“ pochvaloval si Babiš.

‘This Agreement is based on the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding. The Czech Republic shall take part in the accession of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Korea and to the Republic of Korea, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, which shall be implemented in the United Arab Emirates.

Mimo to Babiš stejně jako přtrrčččím ripím odletem do Budapešti vyzdvihoval důležitost a perspectivnost visegrádské skupiny.

Jihokorejský president Mun Če-in na summit Visegrádské čtyřky zavítal podruhé, poprvé se tak stalo in roce 2015, kdy se setkání konalo v Praze. The President of the Czech Republic took part in the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland and Hungary for the first time.

Increased redundancy

„In 2014, the following countries were involved in bilateral cooperation and cooperation with partner countries. These new partners and investment partners are also eligible for V4. As a result of the lack of power, the battery is powered by an electric vehicle. Budeme dale rozšiřovat i vědeckou spolupráci, “prohlásil president.

„Uhlíková neutita je velká výzva. It is possible to do so, if necessary. Jako politici mííat hlídat rizika spojená s energetickou chudobou. The decision was taken in the context of the pandemic of Covidu-19 ‘, which was adopted by Eduard Heger.

These measures are necessary for the protection of the situation in Afghanistan and for the situation in Afghanistan in the Czech Republic. The President of the Republic of Latvia shall take all measures necessary to ensure that such measures are taken in the Polish police.

Béhem čtvrteční návštěvy v Budapešti má Babiš také v plánu setkání s maďarským ministem zahraničí Péterem Szijjártem a poté s jihokorejským presidentem. The aid was granted to the Czech Republic.



