Serious allegations against the Salzburg corona laboratory

Serious allegations against the Salzburg corona laboratory

Although an electoral board was elected yesterday for a works council election, the company management is said to have exerted further pressure on employees in advance. Of the Novogenia– CEO sharply denied the allegations today.

Private laboratory grows during the corona crisis

The private laboratory and biotech company founded in 2009 has grown massively in the wake of the Corona crisis. Over the past year and a half, the workforce at the Eugendorf (Flachgau) site has increased from around 40 to 180. After a nationwide invitation to tender, Novogenia has just been awarded the contract to carry out the PCR gargle tests for the State of Salzburg, which started on October 27th.

Works council: company founder is said to have given notice to employees

“It is currently the high season for corona laboratories,” emphasized GPA Salzburg managing director Michael Hofer on Friday during a press conference. “Due to the high work intensity, Novogenia also wanted a works council.” However, company founder and managing director Daniel Wallerstorfer is said to have terminated two when he learned that he wanted to convene an electoral board.

Has the establishment of a works council been hindered?

At the same time, the union is certain that Wallerstorfer has hindered the establishment of the works council, which is still being pursued, with cross-cuts. The managing director is said to have spread false information in a targeted manner in e-mails to the workforce. And he announced in a letter available to the APA that he would be at the works meeting on site. “That deterred many employees from attending the meeting in public,” emphasized Hofer. The manager finally waited yesterday on the other side of the street and observed all employees who wanted to go to the meeting.

Group close to the managing director as electoral board

In addition, a large part of the employees had been outsourced to their own company, shortly after a works meeting was called to elect an electoral board, said Hofer – and this is proven by the date of entry in the company register. Contrary to the view of the GPA that one does not assume two companies, but a single company, Wallerstorfer turned to the employees and said that only a small part of the workforce could vote. In fact, only 60 of the 180 employees took part. A group close to the managing director was then elected as the electoral board.

Novogenia founder rejects allegations

Wallerstorfer rejected all allegations in a written statement. He supported the establishment of works councils and asked all employees to take part in the election. They even organized a coach to get employees to vote. Novogenia, however, consists of several companies that cover different business areas. “The area of ​​Covid testing has grown relatively quickly in the last few months. Therefore, it was time to outsource the operation of this business area to a separate company.” However, this had already been decided in September 2021, the employees had been active in this company before a works meeting was called.

The union has lost track of everything and called on all employees of Novogenia COVID GmbH (the new, significantly larger company; note) to vote for the choice of Novogenia GmbH. That caused confusion. The fact that he was present at the meeting for the electoral committee yesterday was also the case because he drove his wife, who is employed by the company, there. Under no circumstances did he want to control who took part in the election.

Termination has nothing to do with choice

He confirmed the termination of two employees. However, that has nothing to do with the choice. He accused the two employees that they only wanted to set up a works council after they had been terminated – which both of them sharply rejected today. “We were not given any specific reasons,” said the two ex-employees to the APA on Friday. “Nothing about our work has ever been criticized before.”

Trade unionists calling for employees

Above all, the vehemence that should have prevented the establishment of the works council makes him suspicious, said unionist Huber today. “I therefore call on all employees to write to us about whether there are any shortcomings in terms of working time limits or job security.” After all, Novogenia is a company that receives millions of euros in taxpayers’ money to carry out corona tests.

Employees want to contest dismissal

The two employees concerned want to challenge their dismissal in court. “Many of our ex-colleagues would benefit from a works council, many feel intimidated,” they said. Precisely because the company has grown so quickly, it needs a mouthpiece between the employees and the management.

(Source: APA)



