Toulouse: a 17-year-old boy suffocates his mother and leaves her for dead

Toulouse: a 17-year-old boy suffocates his mother and leaves her for dead

the essential
A 17 year old teenager beat his mother and tried to kill with a pillow in Toulouse. The young man left his mother unconscious. She was finally able to contact the police: the young man was arrested.

The argument started from nothing but could have ended in drama. Tuesday afternoon, around 3 p.m., a 45-year-old mother and her 17-year-old son came into conflict for a futile reason in their accommodation in the La Ramée sector in Toulouse. The teenager, very angry, attacked his mother violently. The words were followed by punches and kicks.

The victim ended up on the ground. Her attacker did not stop there and continues to beat her to death while threatening to kill her. He grabbed a pillow and began to suffocate her. He still has the pillow on his mother’s face until she stops breathing. Thinking he had killed her, he left the apartment, leaving her unconscious. Very weakened but still alive, the victim ended up recovering his spirits and recovered little by little from the aggression. After several hours, scared, she ended up with the police around midnight contacting what would happen to her and saying that she feared a return of her son because he had told her that he was going to kill her.

The police attended. She saw the injuries. Officials advised her to file a complaint, see a doctor, and call on 17 if her son reappears. This is what happened a little later. She therefore warned the police who are there to arrest the violent in his room.

The teenager was taken into custody and the investigation was entrusted to the unit for attacks against people on the left bank. They realized that other complaints had already been filed against him. He regularly used violence. For her part, her mother was prescribed six days of total work interruption by the forensic doctor. The boy admitted the facts but denied that he wanted to kill his victim. It was presented Thursday to the minor prosecutor’s office. In the end, he was imprisoned. He will be tried at the end of November.



