France 2030: the “Toulouse digital health” consortium selected!

France 2030: the “Toulouse digital health” consortium selected!

As part of the plans France 2030 and

Health Innovation 2030
[ – 1.3 Mo]

, a call for projects intended to finance third places was launched by the State in order to respond to the lack of experimental grounds for the digital health sector. With a budget of 63 million euros over 4 years, this call for projects aims to promote the emergence of innovative solutions for the benefit of the population and health professionals, based on multidisciplinary scientific approaches and medico-medical models. ambitious economy.

Led by the Toulouse University Hospital, via its Innov’Pôle Santé innovation accelerator, and in partnership with Clinavenir and ASEI, the “Toulouse digital health” consortium was selected. Its ambition is to support patients throughout the entire care pathway: home, hospital, medico-social structures.

All skills will be mobilized within a unique third place of innovation, making it possible to support project leaders throughout the value chain.

The objective shared by all is to create value for the health pathways around 6 axis :

  1. Improve the patient experience on the integration of his care pathway (accessibility, effectiveness of care);
  2. Improving the health of populations (reduce inequalities in access to care, increase quality of life, disability-free life expectancy, compliance with environmental criteria)
  3. Reduce healthcare costs (optimize resources)
  4. Improving the experience and well-being of healthcare teams and professionals
  5. Generate value by mobilizing the results for training and education
  6. Integrate sustainability commitments and indicators in an environment that is still little aware of environmental issues.

To meet these challenges, “Toulouse digital health” has set itself 3 major objectivesmeasurable through indicators:

  1. Promote access to personalized prevention through digital tools by simplifying use through innovative methods:
  2. Imply people accompanied, patients, patient associations and healthcare professionals:
  3. Support economic competitiveness and the Cooperation



