Network problems in the Hanover region currently on September 9th, 2022: HERE there are power disruptions

Network problems in the Hanover region currently on September 9th, 2022: HERE there are power disruptions

On Thursday evening there was a power failure in the district of Hanover in the district of Degersen. Other parts in the area are currently affected by disruptions in the power grid. You can read all the information about the power outage in the Hanover region since September 8th, 2022 and what YOU can do now here on

Malfunctions and maintenance in the Hanover region up-to-date

In an average household in Lower Saxony, problems with the power supply only occur for around 10 minutes a year. Most of the time we are talking about only very locally limited low-voltage disturbances. The German power grid generally works very well, and this also applies to the Hanover region. For the Hanover region, the Stö portal currently lists a total of 15 faults in the area of ​​responsibility of the network operator Avacon Netz GmbH. In the following overview you will find all information about the fault reports in the region.

The following disruptions are currently available on September 9th, 2022 in the Hanover region

Location disturbance since expected Fixed
Degersen district, OS Degersen, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
Riedhof, Redderse, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Helene-Weber-Strasse, Degersen district, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
At the poplars, Degersen district, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
Danquardstraße, Degersen district, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
Bansestrasse, Degersen district, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
Danquardstraße, Degersen district, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:07 p.m no information
Hainwiese, Redderse, Hanover Region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
In the village, Redderse, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Zum Lohteich, Langreder, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Pappelstrasse, Langreder, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Allerweg, Langreder, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Suhlenstrasse, Langreder, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
Bohlenstrasse, Langreder, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information
On the lime tree, Redderse, Hanover region 09/08/2022, 05:02 p.m no information

(Last update: 09/09/2022, 05:46)

Reporting a power outage in the Hanover region: Who is the right contact point in the event of a fault?

One thing is certain: in most cases, an interruption to the power supply is not an emergency. Only dial the emergency numbers for the police or fire brigade in an emergency. You first discover whether the problem is only in your home, for example, because a fuse in your fuse box has blown. If this is not the case, then YOU go to your power company’s incident reporting page and report your incident there.

Here you get to the fault report of the responsible network operator Avacon Netz.

What preparations you can make in the event of a power failure

Even if the German power grid works very reliably, none of us are faced with grid problems or even one Power failure immune. A solid preparation for an emergency is therefore probably sensible and does not require much effort. So what can be done to deal with such incidents in the best possible way?

If you really do not have access to the power grid for a longer period of time, it is advisable to use battery-operated devices in the household, such as mobile phones or household appliances, as sparingly as possible. When the electricity is gone, there is usually no more lighting. Be sure to keep any alternative light sources (flashlight, candles, etc.) in the drawer. An additional uninterruptible power supply (UPS), for example as a variant with Schuko sockets to avoid data loss, is also a good idea. This applies to smaller devices with a power bank. Not only as a hobby camper, it is also a good idea to have a small gas cooker in the house and, if possible, a supply of more nutritious and easy-to-process food. Especially in areas with electric power supply, it is advisable to always have a sufficient quantity of water bottles on hand. Also and especially if you are dependent on the supply of medical equipment yourself, it is strongly advisable to think about the emergency in advance.

The biggest blackouts worldwide

In July 2012, the power supply collapsed in large parts of India. The reason for this was an overload of the electricity grid, as various states drew more electricity than was permitted. In what was the biggest blackout in history to date, more than 620 million people were without power for a good 15 hours. In early 2015, rebels in Pakistan caused a serious blackout. In large parts of the country, the economy came to a brief standstill, affecting 140 million people. Natural disasters can also be the cause of large-scale disruptions to the power grid. Hurricane Sandy swept through 17 US states in October 2012, causing power outages and disasters for up to two weeks. There has also been an incident on the European continent: in 2003, there was a power cut throughout Italy for around 18 hours. The reason was a technical fault on a line in Switzerland.

More on the subject: Energy crisis in Germany: What are the consequences of a power catastrophe?

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+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data with the help of AI. If you have any comments or questions, please contact [email protected]. +++




