University of Lisbon students complain “lack of inclusion” in free public transport – Observer

University of Lisbon students complain “lack of inclusion” in free public transport – Observer

Defend this Thursday of the student-day the elimination of the obligation to have the fiscal domicile in the capital for the beneficiary public transport, considering that the lack of inclusion of the city council “sin the lack of inclusion”.

In an open letter sent to the Lisbon City Council (CML), to which Lusa had access, the Student Association of the Faculty of Architecture (AEFA) of the University of Lisbon changing the conditions of access to the free pass for public transport in the capitalthe declaration of mandatory tax domicile declaration, in order to “include all students” in higher education institutions in the city.

The support measure of the group’s gratuity involves a lack of inclusion, access to this support only for students who already reside in the municipality of Lisbon, looking for all those who, by definition, already have an added difficulty because they are far from the permanent residence”, warns the AEFA.

Free public transport in Lisbon for young higher education students up to the age of 23, including the exception of those enrolled in Medicine and Architecture courses up to the age of 24, has as a mandatory requirement to have a tax domicile in the municipality, which excludes displaced persons, including scholarship recipients.

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Regarding the compatibility with the different supports, the Social Action Services (SAS) of the University of Compulsory Social Access, in Lusa, in response to the acceptance of students who have tax residence in the capital to adhere to the CML measure of free public transport makes with what “the most disadvantaged economic students, with tax domicile in the municipality of Lisbon (scholarship holders), including those displaced from their family of origin do not benefit from this support”.

Asked about the situation, the CML told Lusa that “this is an evolving process and agreement, which will be permanently evaluated and monitored to seek, as far as possible, to find more solutions”.

The registration of young people for free passes in public transport in Lisbon was organized on August 16, to start benefiting from the measure from the second information from the CML, which revealed that, in the first week (until August 23), it was the accession of 129 youngsters with the Sub23 pass (for higher education students at the age of 23, including the exception of those enrolled in Medicine and Architecture courses up to the age of 24).

So far, the student associations and the SAS of the University of Lisbon have not received any formal complaint about the CML measure, “eventually, for the academic year, they have not yet started”, since the academic activities only started in September 19.

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In the letter sent to CML, “for equal access to public transport for all students in Lisbon”, the AEFA Student Association states that the capital “is the largest number of higher education institutions in the country and with the largest number of students, more than 140,000“, of which “a significant part” is displaced from its tax domicile.

The excellence of your student in search of an education. As an example, at the University of Lisbon, about 25% of scholarship students are also displaced, who have accommodation in a university residence or complementary support in their scholarship, if there are no vacancies in the insufficient residences available”, indicates the Association of Architecture Students, noting that there are also displaced persons without access to the scholarship.

Despite the fact that young people do not have a tax domicile in the capital, these higher education students “find higher education permanently displaced in the city of Lisbon, residing for all purposes in the municipality during the academic period”, a situation for the city which “all the beneficiary, at all” levels, with the displacement of these students”, including because, at the end of the academic path, they end up staying in the municipality, because of this offer “greater and better job opportunities”.

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The AEFA reinforces that displaced students “will not change their tax domicile because, by making this change, would lose the support so close in order to be able to take up residence with the higher education institution”.

Free public transport for young students covers the networks of the companies Carris, Metropolitano de Lisboa, through the Navegante Municipal titles in the 4_18 and sub23 modes, and membership is for those who have tax domicile in the municipality of Lisbon and who also present a registration statement by the educational establishment in the city.

On 21, the Lisbon Chamber, proposed in agreement with the city of Lisbon, proposed unanimously free of charge in April, which provides for one between the municipality and the municipality of Lisbon, valid 31 of establishment, valid for free for young people aged 13 and 18 years, higher education students up to 23 years old, including the exception of those enrolled in Medicine and Architecture courses up to 24 years old, and those over 65 years old, in which the common requirement for all is fiscal residence in the municipality.

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This measure by the municipality of Lisbon is aimed at changing environmental sustainability, combating climate change and improving people’s mobility, through the promotion of efficient, economically and environmentally sustainable mobility. an expense of up to 6.266 million euros and, for the economic years 2023, 2024 and 2025, an amount of up to 14.9 million euros for each year.



