San Marino.  The twelfth edition of Artisti in Casa is staged

San Marino. The twelfth edition of Artisti in Casa is staged

Artisti in Casa, the festival of micro shows in the beautiful medieval village of Montegiardino has reached its twelfth edition. The appointment is Saturday 10 September from 16.00 and Sunday 11 September from 18.00.

A unique initiative of its kind born from the idea of ​​creating a village of art and celebration, where houses, balconies, courtyards and living rooms of the inhabitants of the Castle of Montegiardino are transformed into stages at meter 0. A large open-air theater that will host 25 local and international artists who will perform in a series of performances telling a journey to discover comedy, magic, songwriting, theater and literature.

As per tradition, the artistic direction of the event is entrusted to Antonio Ramberti who, together with Marta Fabbri, President of the Association, organized the event and selected the talents of the twelfth edition. A unique two-day artistic event, different from the theatrical and musical mainstream where the performers will transform a place of everyday life into a scenographic space in which to express themselves. Distance between id and listeners therefore disappear, creating an exchange without barriers and favoring the struggle of ideas and the construction of intimate and authentic moments.

“A twelfth edition that restarts and draws inspiration from a door that showpainters Jodypinge and Patton will paint during the holiday weekend. A symbolic and evocative door, the ‘definitive’ door that will represent all its ‘sisters’ who in recent years have been open to give life to the Festival ”says the Creative Director Antonio Ramberti. “The door of welcome that opens wide to dreams and poetic imagery and also a testimony of hospitality in a more practical sense since this year some of the houses in the village have been made available to refugees from the Ukrainian war”.

Of the 25 performances entered this year on the agenda of the first day, three performances will be exclusively dedicated to children. It starts again with the original show by Veronica Gonzales whose hands and feet will dress up in their stage clothes transforming themselves into funny fantastic characters. It continues with Alessia Canducci who, accompanied by the sounds of Tiziano Paganelli, will present “The Stories of Via del Dragone”, a collection of ancient and modern fairy tales mixed with rhymes and poems in freedom to entertain and excite all ages. Adults who will ideally return to wonder as children together with the Magician Fiollo, the skilled magician who makes magic a fascinating art form, a language connected to the ability to transmit emotions.

An overflowing program of arts and culture that always perform during the first day Manuel Bongiorni aka Musicaperbambini who shakes electronic music and nursery rhymes on the absurd, Lorenzo Bartolini chiseller of monologues and poems, Chibo with Canto i muri, the brand new project Il Cuore e la Vernice steeped in Italian rock buskers, the Vallicelli family of musicians, the actor rehearsals of Stefano Mereu and Hangar Teatri and the storytellers Lorenzo Lunadei and Franco Baldoni. You can admire Peppe Leone in the magician of the tambourine or Eugenia Galli’s performative poetry, take a dip in Mexican culture with the Mariachi di Santa Maria del Rosario or in the new Italian singer-songwriter with Gobbi and Crista, be enchanted by Elisabetta Ferro’s viola da gamba, who have moved in the midst of the musical traditions of New Orleans and the avant-garde Heavy sound duo or immersed in the world of great songwriters, musicians and innovators imprinted a deep G in music, overcoming with the project Across XX Universe Inside the rock instruments of chromosome XX by Serena Amatori and Arianna Pasini or meet the very young classical musicists of the Second C.

In the evening of 10 September, the protagonists of the two final shows will be the Espaňa Circo Este with their unique and charismatic sound in the tango-punk style and Filippo Graziani who together with his brother Tommy Graziani will pay tribute to his father Ivan in the 25th anniversary of his death, bringing to the stage the most complete and significant tribute to his career: from the songs of the beginnings, the great classics, up to some unpublished surprises.

The following day Roberto Mercadini & Guido Catalano will not miss with the show entitled “Things I would not have hoped to tell you” and the Bucolic Duo in concert with the only date of the year in the Banda Bucolica version.

Along the streets of the village, for the entire duration of the event there will also be food stands offering local culinary specialties and stalls for the whole family.

Main sponsor of Artisti in Casa is the San Marino brand Marlù, which again this year brings its contribution to the event that takes place right in the territory, the castle of Montegiardino, which hosts its headquarters.

Marta Fabbri, President of the Association and owner of the company together with the sisters Morena and Monica states: “For us at Marlù it is very important to support the place where we grew up and where we founded our company over 20 years ago. In this same place, new ambitious future projects are in the pipeline that will see the construction of a new headquarters and we are proud that for the twelfth year, Artisti in Casa finds its setting in this authentic setting, rich in history, traditions and beauty ” .

Filippo Francini, Director of the Culture and Tourism Department, he declared: “We are sure that this year, Artisti in Casa will be able to amaze tourists, visitors, families and many San Marino citizens. This Festival reminds us how the Republic of San Marino has so many to offer, far beyond the UNESCO-listed historic center alone. The Montegiardino Castle, the location that the organizers have chosen since the first edition, is one of the most evocative views of our territory and for this reason, just a few months ago, it was chosen by this Secretariat and its Secretary Federico Pedini Amati as participant in the “Best Tourism Village” award of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Here I bring greetings from all the Secretariat of State and the Tourist Office, wishing the organizers good luck. We are proud to be able to sponsor and affirm its success, confident of its success ”.



