Had just passed the security check when the message came

Had just passed the security check when the message came

In recent years, the handball team Hinna has made a huge effort ahead of participating in the Granollers Cup in Barcelona. It is a major international handball tournament with more than 15 countries represented.

– We have long had a dream of traveling down and taking home well. This has been what we have been looking forward to, says team leader Thale Vignes.

LONG SEASON: The girls trained steadily and hard to prepare for the tournament in Spain. Photo: Kristian Myhre / TV 2

Early Wednesday morning, 23 bags with drinking bottles, handball shoes and player suits were checked in at Sola Airport in Stavanger. From there, the journey was to continue to Copenhagen and then to Barcelona.

– We had just undergone the security check when the first message ticked in. The flight from Copenhagen was canceled, says Vignes.

However, much was not stopped by the ground. The team’s tour guide threw himself around, and was quickly taken on a new itinerary via Oslo.


The next flight went as planned, and the girls from Stavanger arrived at Oslo Airport. However, it did not their luggage.

Nor must there have been SAS staff to be found in the arrival hall, and at the same time three hours of waiting time on the telephone line at customer service, says the team leader.

A random passer-by at the airport was to be the team’s rescue.

– She tipped about another plane from Stavanger which landed as after us. It must have been our luggage that also ended up, says Vignes to TV 2.

After gaining control of the luggage, the girls traveled on. They had a hotel stay in the capital before leaving the next day.

But when they thought all the unexpected surprises were over, they had to think again.

BET EVERYTHING: After several hours on the road, the Hinna handball team was not ready to give up.  Photo: Kristian Myhre / TV 2

BET EVERYTHING: After several hours on the road, the Hinna handball team was not ready to give up. Photo: Kristian Myhre / TV 2

– We had not been to the hotel more than ten minutes before the next disappointment hit us. I received a new message that flying from Oslo to Barcelona had also been canceled, says the team leader.

The team management saw no other way yet to go back to the airport, but without hell.

– At the information desk we were told that they could not help us.

Great disappointment

After several hours of waiting at the airport, they got a new hope. An SAS employee was able to offer another alternative itinerary, this time via a number of countries across Europe.

– They tried everything they could, but it was no alternative for us anymore, says Vignes.

She reasoned that long travel days in the legs would not be relevant in advance of the tournament. In addition, they would have missed several key matches on the way south.

Now it remained to share the great disappointment with the team.

– He who told it to the girls, was very impressed afterwards. They simply got really upset.

After many emotions, hopes and long waits, the girls finally returned to Stavanger.

HINNA HANDBALL: The team photo was taken just before the tournament in Barcelona.  Photo: Private

HINNA HANDBALL: The team photo was taken just before the tournament in Barcelona. Photo: Private

– Incredibly sad to hear

Press contact Tonje Lund in SAS says to TV 2 that it is a pity to hear that Hinna handball team did not reach the cup.

– This is incredibly sad to hear. Well, there have been some cancellations and that a youth team has spent a lot of time preparing and looking forward to hearing.

Lund emphasizes that it is important to get in touch with SAS to get what they are entitled to – even if it has not been saved.

Furthermore, she explains in high season for aviation makes it more difficult to find good, alternative itineraries.

– Full flights make it more difficult to find new places in the period as the original journey when cancellations occur, Lund says to TV 2.

In recent weeks, the completed aircraft technician strike has led to several flights being canceled from Norway. At the same time, the mediation deadline in the SAS settlement is night to Saturday.

The SAS pilots have announced that they will take out all of their Norwegian pilots, a total of over 400, from the first day of the strike.

141 flights from Norway could be affected by a possible SAS strike this weekend, according to an overview from VG.

Do not give up

Throughout the pandemic, the handball team has traveled endless hours with volunteer hours to raise money for the trip and the participation itself.

Despite the fact that the handball season usually tends to fade away towards the summer, this has not been the case for Hinna handball this year.

– We have trained hard to be in top shape for this tournament, says the team leader.

Despite the defeat, however, the team does not give up. They have already booked a place for the tournament next year, and several of the girls have signed up.



