“On the pension reform we will not accept penalizing measures”

“On the pension reform we will not accept penalizing measures”

“That of pensions is a reform with a high social value, we will not accept penalizing measures”. The message that the secretary of the CDLS, Gianluca Montanari, launches from the Confederal Council meeting this morning in Domagnano is loud and clear. Council that also took stock of the announced departure of the path of labor market and tax reforms (IGR). Strong criticism also regarding the growing inefficiencies in the health sector. Meanwhile, we take note – underlines Montanari – of the extension of the first presentation of the pension reading reform and of the labor market reform, of which the first discussion meeting on the articles will take place on Thursday, while for that of the IGR we still await the opening of the negotiation process. The scenario we are facing is not easy: the reforms are fundamental but must be carried out without forcing and with, through a close confrontation that points to shared solutions. There is a delay across the board and the greatest concerns are currently concentrated on the pension reform, the only initiation in respect of which is the comparison, on which the most systemic points have not yet arrived ”. Going into detail, the secretary Montanari that there is still much to underline and deepen with respect to the pension reform: “There is a need for data, simulations on the working hypotheses, more time is needed in the negotiation phases”. In the last meeting, by the CDLS, simulations were requested on the articles of the new reform that concern the calculation of the post-reform social security allowance, “this is to evaluate precisely what rate to produce, which translated into other words say how long a worker retires after a hypothetical 40 years of payments “. The key points currently under discussion, which the trade unions are strongly committed to, concern the raising of the requirement to access the pension from the current quota of 100 to 103 (sum of the age and contributions), the increase in the contribution percentage , the contribution from the State Budget to compensate for the imbalance of the Pension Fund and the reform of the second pillar FONDISS. With regard to the increase in the quota from 100 to 103 for the CDLS, it is essential to sustain a sustainable quota over several years and, above all, to avoid creating problems of lengthening access for those who are now close to the pension goal (the so-called “staircase” ). “We acknowledge – the CDLS secretary specifies – that progress has been made with respect to the first proposals, but in our opinion there must still be ample room for improvement. Any penalty percentages for those who have not fully matured the requisites are already much more contained than what is expected today and now start, as is the case today, with a minimum of 3 years of contributions “. The draft of the pension reform under discussion shows a directive that involves the realignment of benefits downwards: this approach is strongly opposed by the Confederal Council of the CDLS reform: “Using the ploy from a series of penalties and reductions for the periods prior to the reform of 2011, with the increase of the already existing solidarity contribution, as well as through the extension to the entire working life of the reference period for calculating the pension, a sort of “retroactive” reform will be implemented which will almost certainly materialize a strong lowering of the pension yield for future pensioners who have contribution periods prior to the reforms of 2011 and 2005 ”. Finally, the reform of the supplementary pension (FONDISS) will be decisive. On this point, Montanari appreciates the Government’s willingness to intervene in this area thanks to the delegation approved with the budget adjustment: “For the CDLS the second pillar has always been a key element to be strengthened and relaunched so that it integrates and supports pensions, providing a new governance and accumulated rules for the Italians foreseen for the investments of the funds, which may have investments from the first pillar in line with the insurance funds for a real pension for the Italians “. In view of the start of the discussion with the Government on tax reform, the Confederal Council of the CDLS underlines the importance of including strict anti-tax avoidance and evasion regulations and related sanctions for the “IGR crafty”. It will also be essential to preserve all deductions / deductions that have a strong social impact, such as medical, dental and diagnostic expenses, health dental prostheses, expenses related to school fees, assistance to the infirm and enhanced those relating to the fees of day nurseries and babysitters and expenses related to the disability or incapacity of older people. For the Confederal CDLS, the Smac will therefore be enhanced as a tool to combat tax avoidance and evasion, safeguarding the ‘no tax area’ and the relative mechanism for calculating salaries and pensions. Another point in the foreground: the future of San Marino healthcare. And here the Confederal Council of the CDLS “fully supports” the position made known in recent days by the National Federation of San Marino Pensioners on the surgical robot. “It should be clarified once and for all – Montanari affirms – that the Democratic Confederation is not really against innovation in the health and scientific fields, nor against the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and tools. But it is essential to set priorities, also given the scarcity of economic resources that are continually reminded us by the representatives of the Government. We must allocate the available resources to strengthen the ISS staff, reorganize and strengthen parties and services, be ready for a possible, even if not desirable, resurgence of Covid in the coming autumn months. For the Democratic Confederation, public resources must be directed towards these ambitions and not precisely for improbable instruments with a disproportionate cost and extremely uncertain economic returns ”. To this end, the Confederal Council requests the top management of the Government and the top management of the ISS to postpone the spending of 3 million euros for the surgical “robot”, an expense approved by the CGG when settling the budget, and allocate this amount for the ‘immediate relaunch of San Marino healthcare in terms of human resources, improvement, guarantees and efficiency of services. “It is absolutely not admissible that, in an economic context that requires great attention to non-essential expenses, such a significant expense is authorized without it being supported by an in-depth and detailed technical-health-financial project that reports the simulations with respect to costs / benefits, ancillary and recurring maintenance costs, operator training costs and equipment depreciation costs, as already requested by the ISS “Health Council”; we do not believe that in the face of all this there is the economic convenience or the catchment area that justifies the purchase “. Still on the health front, the CDLS secretary who, during the meetings held last May between the trade unions and the ISS Director General, Francesco Bevere, “highlighted the countless critical issues that emerged in the health services sector, starting with primary medicine, which so much citizenship. On that occasion, the trade union organizations urgently asked to have a copy of the ‘Organizational Act of the ISS’ and the related personnel requirements. To date, nothing has come down to us, despite the assurances of a speedy delivery, by the current month of June, of these important documents by the DG of the ISS. Time passes inexorably without answers and in the meantime the services in the health sector are still emerging, with unacceptable waiting times for specialist services and a growing organizational degradation that weighs more and more on the shoulders of ISS workers. For the CDLS it is immediately obligatory to make this unstoppable drift which runs the risk of destroying the universality of San Marino healthcare, which until a few years ago was the real flagship of our well-being ”. In the Confederal Council, the issue of the closure of contractual renewals was relaunched. After the activities and contracts of the Industry and Crafts, which it believes will increase for 2022 and 2023, the CD should also open all the other renewal tables, providing for all the workers concerned the essentials in the paycheck.

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