Pirates in Prague call for Pospíšil’s resignation due to the Dosimetr case (TOP 09)

Pirates in Prague call for Pospíšil’s resignation due to the Dosimetr case (TOP 09)

Updates: 06/29/2022 12:47 PM

Prague – The Prague representatives of the Pirates called on MEP Jiří Pospíšil (United Forces for Prague / TOP 09) to resign from all his positions at the municipality. He cited his connection with businessman Michal Redl accused in the Dosimeter case as the reason. Martina Vacková, the main advisor to Mayor Zdeněk Hřiba (Pirates), told ČTK. Pirates refer to the chat server Message list with the accused businessman Pavel Dovhomilja, who confessed to participating in the crimes in the case around the Prague Transport Company (DPP) and, according to the server of his testimony, subsequently repeated it to the investigators. He hastened them as a Prague representative and a member of several municipal commissions. He is looking for ČTK’s opinion.

Information in the media had previously appeared that Jiří Fremr, former Pospíšil’s former adviser and election manager TOP 09, had cooperated with Redl today. “I called on Jiří Pospíšil to resign immediately from all positions at the Prague City Hall. The reason is the info from his contacts and joint holidays with the head of the group from the Dosozimeter case, Michal Redl. These are shocking and unacceptable findings. account Boletus.

The pirates are bothered by the involvement of the former adviser Fremr in the case, according to the server, he was negotiating with Redl. “We consider the sentencing of the convicted perjurer Jiří Fremr as his delegate to meetings with the mafia or their joint holidays abroad, in which Mr. Redl also participated, to be inadmissible. They also called on the TOP 09 Bureau to consider its next steps.

He hastened them at the municipality by an ordinary representative. He was originally chairman of the United States Club of Representatives, but in May 2021 he removed him from the position of chairman. He is currently the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs and the Commission of the Capital City Council for the Presidency of the Czech Republic. He is also an ordinary member of the municipal commission of the council for the selection of the director of the contributory organization Pražská developerská společnost, the commission of the council for the establishment of the concert hall and the commission of the council for art in public space.

The case of influencing DPP orders came to the public in mid-June after a police intervention in which criminal investigators from the National Center against Organized Crime searched for premises in the Prague City Hall, including the office of the then Deputy Mayor Hlubuček or in the transport company and Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna (VZP) and accused more than ten people. Police claim that an organized group of defendants has systematically occupied a key position in the DPP so that the appointment of friendly managers can influence various tenders in order to obtain bribes.

Among the accused is now the former former deputy mayor Petr Hlubuček (formerly STAN), who after his arrest resigned from the position of deputy mayor and member of the DPP supervisory board, he was also removed from the position of mayor of Lysolají. His membership in STAN was also suspended and he resigned from the candidate for the autumn municipal elections. The case led, among other things, to the resignation of the Minister of Education Petr Gazdík (STAN), who was in contact with Redl, and MEP Stanislav Polčák suspended membership in the STAN movement due to his acquaintance with Redl.

crime administration Prague TOP 09 Pirates



