Plevris: Preventive visit to Northern Greece

Plevris: Preventive visit to Northern Greece

THE Minister of Health Thanos Plevris and the Deputy Minister of Health Mina Gaga, accompanied by General Secretary of Health Services Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, went to Thessaloniki and held meetings with them governors of Health Regions and Hospitals, τον President of EKAB-KEPY as well as with them Regional Governors and its mayors Central and Western Macedonia, on the pandemic indicators and vaccination rates recorded in Northern Greece, the readiness of health structures and the actions promoted to strengthen the system in order to effectively deal with the pandemic. In addition, at noon, they came together Holy Diocese of Thessaloniki where they met him Metropolitan AnthimosThe meeting took place in a very good atmosphere and highlighted the Church’s contribution to strengthening the vaccination campaign as well as the strict observance of personal protection measures in the holy temples.

Then the Deputy Minister held a meeting with representatives of the Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of Northern Greece and with anesthesiologists from public hospitals and private clinics in Thessaloniki.

“We have also come here, step by step, with the Deputy Minister, Mrs. Gaga, to be informed about the course of the pandemic. We make it clear from the beginning that we have come precautionarily. There is no talk of further action. “ He pointed out in statements by the Minister of Health, adding that the goal of the Government and the Ministry is to increase the percentage of vaccinations, which in some areas of Northern Greece remains low.

Mr. Plevris stated that “The truth is that the farther one is from the large urban centers that are observed, the less participation there is in vaccination. So let’s go there, we have seen the numbers and that is where the process is. There is no further talk, but an understanding of how to persuade for more vaccinations and adherence to measures. There is no other discussion at the table. “

Regarding vaccinations, he stressed that the State has made it clear that the obligation will not be extended. “For the health workers and those who take care of vulnerable groups, the obligation has to do with Public Health. We gave them the opportunity to be vaccinated with the first dose and return to work. There will be no change in government policy. “ mentioned features.

THE Deputy Minister, after her meeting with them anesthesiologists, underlined the There is a lack of doctors in this specialty, with the result that positions are constantly advertised but are barren.

“We are moving forward with some solutions that will make anesthesiologists feel that they have the support of the State and the Ministry – which they have – can not continue better for the work they offer and the extermination work that is because they are very few. We want to motivate young children to choose as a specialty of anesthesiology and to motivate young anesthesiologists to join the National Health System. There is a shortage of anesthesiologists worldwide and not only in our country “said Mrs. Gaga.

Referring to the evolution of the pandemic, she pointed out the need to increase the vaccination rate and ban the observance of personal protection measures as, as she stressed, the pandemic is still here with the cases in Thessaloniki and in areas of Macedonia rising.


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