Clear the space.  Pirate Hrib wants the biggest brothel in Prague for the homeless

Clear the space. Pirate Hrib wants the biggest brothel in Prague for the homeless

“It is necessary to provide emergency accommodation for homeless people who have been ordered to quarantine. In order for the meaning and purpose of the ordered quarantine to be fulfilled, I must have these people a place where they will stay for the duration of the ordered quarantine, “he wrote in the letter to ShowPark Hřib.

According to Hřib, Prague does not have enough space and the brothel is ideal. Its owners have 72 hours to clear the ShowPark. “We ask you to immediately prepare all movables owned by your company, which could be damaged or destroyed if the building is used properly,” Hřib said on Thursday afternoon.

If he does not hear the request, Prague will start clearing out the brothel. “If the said premises are not provided by your company voluntarily, I am ready to proceed in accordance with the Crisis Act and save the provision of the space for you,” the mayor added.

Despite the unfavorable circumstances in connection with the homelessness, Prague can easily resolve a several-year dispute and legally remove the brothel from its property.

ShowPark offers help to employees

However, Show Park is not ready for clearing yet and offers other spaces in Prague.

“It is not technically possible, but we are ready to provide the immediately required premises with the help of emergency accommodation, including the necessary parties of our employees and collaborators,” ZPynek Matela, director of ShowPark, told Novinka.

In addition, the space is not approved for living and has no windows. But it offers other spaces that ShowPark owns.

“We have two properties available in Prague’s Holešovice and Vinohrady approved as accommodation facilities with a total capacity of up to 80 beds,” Matela writes in a letter.

The age-old dispute is over?

ShowPark is located in the Prague market in Holešovice. The market is the property of Prague, but for more than twenty years the space was rented to stallholders, and just to ShowPark. Several times the city authorities tried to terminate the contract with the stallholders and the brothel. But because it was a conglomeration of many contracts, legal cliques and commitments, it was not easy.

The city managed to win the lawsuit against Delta Center, which leased the Holešovice market, only this year. And this decision means the evacuation of the entire space. However, ShowPark is still trying to sign a new lease with the city, but Prague refuses.

According to Deputy Minister Pavel Vyhnánek, the municipality cannot sign a contract with the companies that operate the public house, because the municipality would either have to publish the intention to rent the space for the purpose of prostitution, which is a crime, or to lie. According to him, this opinion was confirmed by municipal lawyers.



