Russia turned out to be China’s most hidden borrower.

Russia turned out to be China’s most hidden borrower.

This is stated in the American research laboratory AidData, dedicated to the PRC program for financing projects abroad.

The total amount of “hidden” debts of countries to China for 17 years amounted to 385 billion dollars.

By virtue, the loans are called hidden, since most of them are not taken into account by rating agencies. The head of AidData, Brad Parks, said that “the government itself today does not know exactly how much they owe China.”

40 countries of the world have debt to China exceeding 10 percent of their GDP.

All loans are divided into this category: official development assistance (ODA) and other financial resources (OOF) – loans, demonstration of strengthening the country’s cooperation with the PRC, military or commercially beneficial projects for China.

Russian loans classified as OOF. Following Russia on this list are Venezuela ($ 85.5 billion), Angola ($ 40.66 billion), Brazil and Kazakhstan ($ 39 billion each).

Earlier, China asked the Russian company Inter RAO to significantly increase the export of electricity to China due to its shortage. Inter RAO is studying the technical possibility of growth, volumes are used hourly, depending on demand.



