3D printing your neighborhood is child’s play

3D printing your neighborhood is child’s play

A few clicks, a 3 D printer and you will soon have, at the show, a model of Luxembourg-City or your neighborhood. “The cadastre administration has three-dimensional data that we wanted to enhance through services for the general public”, explains Jeff Konnen of Geoportal Luxembourg.

Last year it had already become possible to play the Minecraft video game in the environment of the Grand Duchy. Relief, buildings: you can also create a model by downloading free of charge the data of an area of ​​200 m by 200 m at 1 km by 1 km throughout Luxembourg.

The terrain is modeled on the basis of a laser survey by plane in 2019, the buildings are still those from 2013. “But by the end of the year, data for 2020 will be available. With even more details making it possible, for example, to model the exact shape of buildings or the slope of roofs, ”explains Jeff Konnen.

The city center of the capital in the lead

And it works ! Launched last week, the service has already resulted in 122 downloads. With the city center of the capital in n ° 1. Promoters, municipalities, individuals … there is no shortage of possible uses. Once the file has been rejected, it remains to be printed.

A service that Geoportal Luxembourg is unable to provide. “But with a calibrated consumer printer, you can print a model 20 cm by 20 cm in 12 to 24 hours for a few tens of euros of material,” notes Jeff Konnen. Professionals, associations can also do it. Even larger with professional equipment ”.

(Nicolas Martin / The essential)

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