Studio Najbrt designed the logo for Kunsthalle Prague and placed it around the corner of the building –

Studio Najbrt designed the logo for Kunsthalle Prague and placed it around the corner of the building –

12/05/2021 –– average –– Ondřej Krynek

The long-awaited Kunsthalle Prague will open in Prague in Klárov in February. The former Zenger Transformation Station will be transformed into a cultural institution of world importance. The logo, typography and pictograms for it were designed by Studia Najbrt. The most interesting is the application of the logo on the corner of the building.

“Five years before the opening of Kunsthalle Prague, we created the logo of this new art institution in Klárov and the Kunst font became its basis and an integral part of the future visual style of the orientation system and exhibitions. The font designed by Mark Pistora is based on a sketch by the German typographer Jan Tschichold from 1930, ie from the same period when the building of the former Zenger Transformer Station was built, ”says Studio Najbrt.

“The idea for a typographic sign on the corner of the Kunsthalle Prague building arose during the development of the logotype and visual style. The unusual solution is well visible from different angles, but it has become a natural part of the specific morphology of the building. The application on the facade required many modifications and testing, paper models, visualization, including the necessary strengthening of the central strokes of the Kunst font. the resulting metal inscription is definitely our biggest realization of typography in public space !, he adds.

Kunsthalle Prague is scheduled to open on February 22, 2022. It will offer a modern gallery environment for exhibitions, cultural events and educational activities. The aim is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Czech and international art from the 20th and 21st centuries. There was not much left of the original building during the reconstruction, the front of the house remained, the vast majority is new.

Read more articles on logo and Najbrt

Photo and source: Studio Najbrt

Author of the article

Ondřej Krynek admires imaginative design, creative concepts, modern architecture, pleasant interiors, innovative technologies, new media, usable web design, extravagant fashion, expressive arts, good music and other cultural fields.



