Al.  Tsipras: Insecurity floods the vast majority of Greeks

Al. Tsipras: Insecurity floods the vast majority of Greeks

Insecurity is the feeling that floods the vast majority of Greeks, stressed the president of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, Alexis Tsipras, during his meeting with the management of TIF-Helexpo.

He accused the government that for the last two years it has left Thessaloniki behind and asked for the renovation of the TIF to be done with the optimal performance of free public spaces and green spaces.

“The crucial and important thing is the resumption of the activity of the Thessaloniki International Fair. The Exhibition is here and continues to be a development pole for Thessaloniki, but also a very important event for the Greek economy and small and medium entrepreneurship “, said Mr. Tsipras.

Return that the real ones in the real economy are very difficult and noted: “It is not just the effects of the pandemic. It is also an unprecedented wave of precision that sweeps the purchasing power of households and businesses and creates a generalized climate of insecurity. Perhaps this is the right word for the emotion that is flooding the vast majority of our fellow citizens today. Insecurity in relation to the evolution of the pandemic and health, anxiety for the national health system and its resilience, insecurity for the salary, for the income, insecurity for the business, insecurity for the future, for tomorrow, mainly of the young people ”.

He then referred to the role and problems of Thessaloniki, saying: “Thessaloniki is a city that has very important potential and overall northern Greece – potential that must be evaluated in a plan. Of course, the pandemic played a decisive role, but I believe that during these two years Thessaloniki was left behind. And very important initiatives that we had taken as a government for the development perspective of the city, remained stagnant “.

At this point he criticized the government of ND and stressed: “It is not only the fact that a new government does not want to have Thessaloniki as the focus of major events and even transnational meetings, as we had attempted, but mainly the fact that very important projects for the city have been left behind and some of them are ignored. Like the transit center at Gonu camp, the railway connection of Egnatia, the port, the big problems regarding the quality of life, the transport problems of the city, the OASTH, the metro which could have already started and is a relief for the citizens, possibly without a station, as in Athens had been done for a very long time. I think that all these are extremely critical issues for the people of Thessaloniki and the city “.

Regarding the issue of the renovation of the TIF space, he made the position of SYRIZA-PS and underlined: “I am glad to hear that the renovation of the TIF is progressing. I want to be absolutely clear in relation to our position and attitude, because you know that all this time an intense reflection has developed, horizontally in the society of Thessaloniki and in all the political parties. I insist on the view, and as an urban planner, that the TIF is a key element of the identity of the city of Thessaloniki. I am well aware that any projects that may be of interest for the transfer of the Exhibition elsewhere would be projects that would require a huge cost, without being sure of their effect. However, I want to join all those who said they strongly insist on claiming the best possible solution, the best dynamic solution that will give the maximum possible space to the citizens – free public space and the maximum possible green space in the context of the TIF renovation. Because we all know that we are going through a time of climate crisis, which is the dominant event in the lives of all of us. Therefore, life in the city has a great value.

Thessaloniki knows that it is one of the cities with the lowest green per capita ratio in the Balkans and the European Union. Therefore, it is very crucial that any designs have the best possible performance in free spaces and green spaces. And this means that there must be specific interventions in ‘Agia Fotini’. I would say other suggestions: During the days, however, we started a great effort to return camps to the citizens of Thessaloniki. For the Pavlos Melas camp – we completed it – we started for the Kodra camp, as far as I know, and this is not going on. I still do not understand the necessity of having large soldiers in the urban fabric and especially in a big city like Thessaloniki. Therefore, I believe that we must move in this direction. To accept the green space, free public space the citizens of Thessaloniki and at the same time to see a regeneration plan which will not be pharaonic, will not be filled with cement, but with green and recreation areas and the required, of course, spaces that need to accommodate real events, commercial and cultural, that an International Fair needs. The citizens and the city of Thessaloniki deserve more attention and more respect. Less promises, less’ will ‘and more work, more projects’.

The president of TIF-Helexpo Tassos Tzikas informed Mr. Tsipras about the characteristics of the 85th TIF and stressed how the decision was made to carry it out in the difficult conditions due to the pandemic, to mean the restart.

The president of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance, also met with representatives of the employees at TIF – Helexpo.

Mr. Tsipras is accompanied by party MPs.

Source: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ



