Russia to place robotic tractors in the Arctic – Gazeta.Ru

Russia to place robotic tractors in the Arctic – Gazeta.Ru

03 December 2021 03:17

The Russian army will soon receive special arctic robots-evacuators, the so-called “repairmen”, who will also serve the evacuation of military equipment at the North Pole. Reported by “News” with reference to sources.

New robotic vehicles will be created on the basis of two-link tractors. Their state tests are scheduled for 2022. Since the vehicles are fully robotized, the crew will be able to perform work without leaving the heated cabin.

Arctic “repairmen” have powerful support for trucks, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft systems S-300, S-400, as well as missile systems “Ball” and “Bastion”.

They can be used not only in the Arctic, but also in Siberia and the Far East.

In September, about 8,000 Russian troops conducted exercises in the Arctic. They worked out actions to ensure safety in the water area of ​​the Northern Sea Route.

Earlier it was reported that in the Arctic experienced the first Russian drone rescue. During the tests, the dumping of lifejackets and a circle was practiced, as well as flights with a loudspeaker and a searchlight. In addition, the drone took water samples.



