Preserve green spaces: at least honestly
SPD and FDP have certainly not made themselves popular. Because the CSUler Pretzl is of course right. Who would speak out against the preservation of green spaces?
And in a city like Munich, where the Isar is overcrowded in summer? It’s a shame that the Greens and the CSU didn’t have the confidence to explain to the people of Munich that the question asked by the citizens’ petition is still the mistake – because it above all raises the bureaucratic effort and false expectations.
Initiators will rightly be disappointed
The SPD and FDP did not have a popular opinion either, but at least they represented an honest opinion. The CSU and the Greens are already declaring that the planned plans should not be changed.
This is definitely not what the initiators were hoping for. They are right if they are disappointed in the next votes and speak out loud.
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