Export of information security products from Russia has a chance to double
According to the President of NP RUSSOFT Valentin Makarov, the Russian information security market is on the rise and there is every chance to increase the scope of activities: in this case, the growth rate of the information security segment should double as cases are detected.
The CEO agrees with this assessment. Zecurion Aleksey Raevsky: “Russian food products are in demand in foreign markets according to the revealed safety. The countries where Russian information security products are sold have become very complex, so most sellers have reoriented to the markets of future countries, which are quite numerous – Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Without parsing. only compete honestly with allergies in the market. At the same time, it should be noted that many people succeed in competing and having a business there.”
Rustem Khairetdinov, Deputy Director General of the Technology Director’s Guard, also believes that in neutral countries there is an understanding that Western protection can stop working at any time at will from the outside, so business is looking for an opportunity to reserve: “There is demand there, and it is growing. countries of the former USSR, but the countries of Southeast Asia, the Persian Gulf, South America, South America – large projects in these regions, some of them on the US dollar. , completely localized, breaking ties with the Russian Federation.
Alexander Bulatov, commercial director of NGR Softlab, believes that in any country foreign information security products are in demand absolutely as much as there are not enough opportunities to solve production problems. “If we accept the fact that a number of countries cannot use the Russian IB-bank, then we can state that interest in the development of the economy always remains quite high. various countries,” the expert is sure. “The greatest commercial potential at the moment is in the regions of the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South America”.
According to Valentin Makarov, Russia has its own school of cryptography, as well as experience in assessing cyber threats since the end of February 2022, are distinguished by interesting foreign countries: “They consider Russia as an alternative supplier of information security, and even more – a supplier of technological independence, since the availability of information security tools that’s what it means to have the basics of process safety in place. Professionals in our companies accept our safety standards.”
“It’s a difficult question with cryptography – this topic is not easy, accessible to understanding by very few. In addition, cryptography does not exist on its own and is not sold as a separate product, it is only part of the systems. .standards are found in small numbers countries. Regulation of the information security industry is not widespread anywhere. It is not enough just to want to regulate and choose the standards of some country, you need to go through the process: first create a regulator, a system of certification, attestation, and so on. Therefore, it should be noted that countries are not ready for regulation, even if they use Russian standards.”
According to Rustem Khairetdinov, based on the results of the analysis, decisions were made for a long time and carefully, since the standards do not involve the use of information technology. If such decisions are made, it will not be soon.
Alexander Bulatov believes that as part of the development of economic cooperation, it is important to agree on a children’s panel in the field of IT and information security. At the same time, domestic regulators have already done too much work in this regard..