Brussels region releases 25 million euros for new sports infrastructure, especially supply which is currently too low (Brussels)
The Brussels government has included a new call for projects for municipalities that want to increase the offer of their sports infrastructure. Brussels minister Bernard Clerfayt (DéFI) announced this. A total of 25 million euros will be made available for the call for projects.
All nineteen Brussels municipalities can register for the call for projects, but there is one important selection criterion. The new sports infrastructure must be located in one of the neighborhoods where the offer is still too low. The aim of the call for projects is to enable all inhabitants of Brussels to practice sport close to home. The government says that sports clubs are often already overcrowded.
“Sport is a real catalyst for personal development, contributes to overall good health, encompasses insight and instills values essential for living together. The practice of sports must become a right,” says Minister Clefayt.
Some other criteria are also taken into account when selecting the projects. The new infrastructure must have a supra-local interest, so that other municipalities can also make use of the sports fields.
The municipality must apply an equal rate to all inhabitants of Brussels, regardless of the municipality where they live. Additional subsidies can be provided for sports infrastructure that is energy efficient or that improves access for people with reduced mobility.
The municipalities have until September 10 to submit their projects.