San Marino. Last farewell to Alberto Mino from a moved crowd
A moved crowd gathered this afternoon in the Piazza del Ritrovo dei Lavoratori in Serravalle (San Marino) to attend the civil funeral of Alberto Mino, historical director of the Csdl and Fups, protagonist for decades of San Marino union and political life. This was reported in a press release by the San Marino Confederation of Labour
Numerous people gathered around family members to express their closeness and to remember the figure of Alberto Mino, who “has left us a great legacy of experience and civil and social values”. After Giuseppe Morganti’s speech, who recalled his commitment in the political field, the secretary general Enzo Merlini took the floor for the Confederation of Labour.
“It was moving to read the will written by Alberto a few years ago – began the secretary of the San Marino Confederation of Labor -. He confirmed right up to the end one of his characteristics: not leaving anything to chance. It is not at all common to want to predetermine how and by whom one wishes to be greeted and remembered. Just as it is not at all common to want to leave to posterity the memory of what one’s passions have been. Alberto evidently wanted to remind us all not to lack his civic commitment, whether this is expressed at a political or trade union level but, I would add, in any context in which we are ‘always on the side of the weakest’, as he himself has defined his work. Recounting his experiences, the struggles and the goals achieved by the trade union movement of which he was a proud leader, he warned everyone not to take anything for granted, but rather to be prepared to reject the attacks, which would arrive from many quarters, on the rights conquered with many sacrifices in the years of economic and social development. He said this well before the economic crises of the late 2000s erupted. Evidently, for him it was easily foreseeable that the years in San Marino ‘in which everyone felt good’ would not last. I met Alberto in those years and the experience passed on by those who had already lived through difficult times, to say the least, served to not get demoralised, when the economic crisis actually arrived and, for a few years, my main business and that of my comrades they dealt with in the private sector, was to face a huge amount of layoffs, workers who did not receive wages or had to accept solidarity contracts. Alberto recalled the value of union unity on every occasion, even when this was not passing its best moments, not only because he did not want to destroy what he, together with others, had built, but also because he believed that it was not enough to be convinced of their own ideas and intentions, but that it was necessary to share them with as many people as possible. He also recalled, however, that no compromises should be made on the fundamental principles and values of the Csdl. They seem like two irreconcilable concepts: yet he managed to push us all to always try to make them compatible. I don’t forget when, as a wise old secretary of the Pensioners’ Federation, he went to the various offices to try to smooth out the corners of the differences that arose ”.
“He was very disappointed – underlined Enzo Merlini – by the degradation of politics which, after decades of growing prosperity, was no longer a reliable interlocutor or, at least, not as he would have liked. But he never resigned to the fact that the times in which, respecting each other’s different roles, the left and the union sought and found spaces for collaboration for the defense and improvement of living and working conditions could not return of people. I would have liked, every so often, to re-examine this topic with him and with the others who lived in times when this relationship was profitable, also to have some suggestions on how to induce politics to respect those who have to work to live in dignity, and sometimes he doesn’t even succeed, and to direct his own action towards the collective good. Unfortunately, the disease did not allow it. However, we will do our best to ensure that ideal and cultural legacies such as those of Alberto are not lost”.
The former secretary of the Csdl, Giuliano Tamagnini, also spoke, tracing his moved memory of Alberto, and emphasizing his great contribution to the cause of the union and the San Marino progressive movement.