The Italian ambassador to San Marino and Comites visiting the Municipality of Montegrimano Terme
Last Friday, the Italian ambassador to San Marino Sergio Mercuri, accompanied by the President of Comites San Marino Alessandro Amadei and the executive member of the committee of Italians abroad Marina Rossi visited the Municipality of Montegrimano Terme. The mayor Elia Rossi, the deputy mayor Camilla Ciacci, the municipal councilors Lorenzo Broccoli, Loris Ottaviani and Tiziana Riservati and the staff of the municipality of Montegrimano Terme (photo) did the honors. Paths of exchange and topics of common interest were the subject of the meeting, on the occasion of which the Mayor Elia Rossi focused attention on the territorial tourism table, i.e. the project of the State Secretariat for Tourism to which the small municipality has adhered and which should be further developed and on the subject of viability and in particular on the safety of the Provincial Road 2 “Conca” at risk of landslide and lowering of the road surface. Another theme that was dealt with during the meeting is that of the depopulation of small municipalities which is mentioned by the President of Comites San Marino Alessandro Amadei is a phenomenon that is increasingly bringing small communities to their knees. For this reason, concrete initiatives are needed, starting with the correct use of the funds provided for in the recovery plan which for the five thousand small municipalities located throughout Italy represents a historic opportunity for their relaunch. The Italian ambassador in San Marino has shown close attention to the issues under discussion which will be brought to the relevant tables as soon as possible.