San Marino. Libera: “Dear bills: new communication method, yet another dramatic confusion”
“Unbelievable but true. After the official publication of the electricity and gas tariff increases by the Energy Authority, the State Congress felt the need to explain to the citizens of San Marino, for the umpteenth time and with the umpteenth new version, what will be guidelines in relation to energy policy”.
Libera’s advisory group writes it in a press release
“We appreciate the fact that the Government has decided to support the press conference the Secretary of Finance to a Teodoro Lonfernini that cannot get out of the state of total organizational confusion. Unfortunately, however, our Secretaries of State have only managed to repeat the now hackneyed slogan “our rates are lower than the Italian ones” and to confirm the 30% increase on the gas bill starting from 1 January 2022 which “must be added to the two already launched in 2022”. In practice, accounts in hand, the doubling of tariffs on an annual basis is confirmed which, as Libera has always maintained, will affect the pockets of an average family in our country by approximately 3,000 euros.
But, despite the change in communication strategy, two great mysteries remain on the increasingly dramatic issue:
What are the terms and conditions of the increasingly mysterious contract signed by AASS with Enel Global Trading? In a nutshell, how much does AASS really pay for energy supplies?
What is the real economic and financial situation of the Service Company? How much financial resources does it currently have? Will the 2022 financial statements close with a small profit, in substantial balance or with a frightening loss?
The country needs to have precise and definitive answers to these questions. San Marino companies and families must be able to plan their expenses with a minimum of advance and with certified data.
Libera will continue to press the Government and AASS Governance on these issues, starting with next Friday’s Finance Commission, and reserves the right to take all possible initiatives to put an end to the amateurish management of an emergency announced more than a year ago.