REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation, ID number: (49679261), extract from the registers of companies and self-employed persons
Basic information
Name: | REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation |
Residence: | Prague |
ID number: | 49679261 |
Extract of data for REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation from the register of economic entities
Basic data of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
ID number: | 49679261 |
Firm: | REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation |
Legal form: | Limited liability company |
district: | Prague |
Basic territorial unit: | Prague 5 |
Number of employees: | Not listed |
Institutional sector: | National private non-financial enterprises |
Creation date: | 6/30/1993 |
Headquarters of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
Fields of activity NACE according to RES (Register of economic subjects)
Wholesale brokerage and wholesale by proxy |
Repairs of computers and peripheral devices |
Extract of data for REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation from the trade register
Basic data of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
IČO (identification number): |
49679261 |
name: |
REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation |
Legal form of business: |
Limited liability company |
Creation of the first business: |
6/30/1993 |
total number of businesses: |
3 |
Active businesses: |
2 |
Živnosti REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
Trade No. 1 Production, trade and services not listed in Appendices 1 to 3 of the Trade Act
Fields of Activity | |
Type of trade | free trade |
Business status | active |
Creation of authorization | 2/17/2012 |
Business No. 2 Production, installation, repair of electrical machines and devices, electronic and telecommunications equipment
Type of trade | craft trade |
Business status | active |
Creation of authorization | 6/30/1993 |
Extract of data for REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation from the commercial register
Basic data of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
court: | Municipal Court in Prague | 6/30/1993 |
Spiš brand: | C 21634 | |
IČO (personal identification number): | 49679261 | |
name: | REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation | |
Legal form: | Limited liability company |
30.6.1993 |
Registered on: | 30.6.1993 | |
Based on the resolution of the Municipal Court in Prague dated August 15, 2007, file no. 74 Cm 65/2007-14 cancels liquidation. The legal force of this resolution is 9/26/2007. | 15/10/2007 | |
Date of conclusion of partnership agreement: 13.5.93 | 30.6.1993 |
REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. capital in liquidation
Basic capital |
CZK 100,000 |
Paid off | – | |
Valid from – to | 30.6.1993 |
Headquarters of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
Validity of data from – to | ||
Address: |
Kníženecký nám. 322/5, Prague 5, Czech Republic |
30.6.1993 |
The business object of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
Validity of data from – to | |
purchase of goods for the purpose of their resale and sale | 30.6.1993 |
assembly and repair of office and reproduction electronics | 30.6.1993 |
Management of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
The statutory body of REJNOK Praha, s.r.o. in liquidation
executive | Pavel Sedlák |
In function | from 30.6.1993 |
Address | Urbankova 3363/53, Prague 4 |
All the data that we display in our register about companies and self-employed people comes from publicly available registers. Where it belongs Business Register, Trade Register AND Register economic entities operated by the Statistical Office.
We continuously update the data from the source registers. If you find incorrect or inaccurate information in our register, please make this information available to us at [email protected]. If you have reservations about the processing of your personal data in our register, contact us via email [email protected].