A methanization unit in Avignon to recover wastewater
Greater Avignon has just inaugurated the very first methanization plant in Vaucluse. It is installed in the wastewater treatment plant, in the Courtine area, and allows the sludge to be transformed into biogas, which is then distributed to 1,300 households. It is the culmination of two years of construction, and an investment of 9.84 million euros.
This anaerobic digestion unit makes it possible to divide CO2 emissions by 14. It is made up of a huge tank, which digests the sludge produced by the treatment plant in the image of the human body. This tank is heated to 37°C by heat pumps and ferments the sludge, which releases biogas. This gas is then concentrated into methane and sent to GRDF facilities. Finally, it is used in the usual gas network and is used for heating or for cooking.
This new unit also allows reduce through waste : – 40% of sludge to be treated. For the moment, this anaerobic digestion unit treats sludge from the Courtine area wastewater treatment plant in Avignon, but it is sized to eventually accommodate sludge from seven other stations in Greater Avignon.