From the document entitled The “Polish Nuclear Energy Program”, published by the Ministry of Climate, shows that the first power reactor in Poland with a capacity of approx. In 2018, the installed capacity of nuclear power plants in our country ranged from 6 to 9 GWe. As we read in the PPEJ: “In terms of energy security of supplying a nuclear power plant to the energy mix, this means that its operation will be implemented through the diversification of the fuel base in the Polish power industry, diversification of the source of supply of basic energy carriers, replacement of the aging park of high-emission coal-fired units based on the availability of units without emission-free devices In the context of the nuclear energy environment, to a radical, abrupt reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to the source from the power sector and bringing external costs”. Therefore, there is no doubt that, also taking into account decarbonisation, nuclear energy is approaching Poland in great strides.
The government’s plans to build Polish nuclear reactors met with the participation of a company researching Poland’s solutions in the field of nuclear technologies. Your offers to the Polish government were created by: the French company EDF, the Korean Kepco NF and the American Westinghouse.
At the beginning of April this year meetings/pre-qualification audits were held at SEFAKO, in terms of the possibility of including SEFAKO in cooperation in the implementation of production for the needs of the Nuclear Blocks planned in Poland.
The audits will be carried out by EDF and Westinghouse, which are helping to start using the installation of nuclear units of the system at the very beginning in Poland. Representatives of the above-mentioned company got acquainted with the functioning of SEFAKO, in accordance with the Integrated Management System PN-EN ISO 9001, cost factor, organizational structure, project management, functioning of quality control, workshop equipment, production process, assessment of basic technical capabilities, development plans of SEFAKO in years, etc.
As a result of these meetings, SEFAKO was classified on the list of suppliers by both EDF and Westinghouse.
22.06.2022 name signed cooperation agreement between EDF and SEFAKO in the field of so-called “Polish Nuclear Project”. EDF is the standard provider of technology, and the SEFAKO range has been created by and assembling tanks and heat exchangers. The detailed scope of work may be extended and seek to maximize SEFAKO’s contribution. EDF also communicates the agreement with Polish companies such as: Polimex-Mostostal, Zarmen, Rafako, ZRE Katowice, Telefonika Kable, Budimex, Uniserv, Budimex, Energoprojekt Katowice.
September 19, 2022 Fabryka Kotłów “SEFAKO” SA and 21 other Polish companies supplying with the American company Westinghouse Electric Company an agreement on cooperation in the potential construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland. It was recorded in the presence of the US Ambassador to Poland, Mr. Marek Brzeziński. At the meeting, SEFAKO was represented by the President of the Management Board, Mr. Jacek Boruciński. Signed cooperation agreement for the potential construction of six AP1000 factors as part of the implementation of the Polish Nuclear Power Program and further projects using the AP1000 technology in the region of Central and Eastern Europe.
On July 5, the National Center for Nuclear Research issued a procedural letter of intent with Fabryka Kotłów “SEFAKO” SA on cooperation in the research and development activities conducted at the Institute regarding technical descriptions of a research and high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactor. SEFAKO’s task will be to design and, if a decision on external investments is made, to build a Reboiler Unit in a part of the conventional installation, which will separate the high-temperature steam medium, which needs an industrial power source, from its supply from the secondary generator. The device is to be a high-temperature gas-cooled research reactor (HTGR), and at the same time research and development works are underway at NCBJ under the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of PLN 60,000,000.00 gross in the years 2021-2024.
The reboiler together with the accompanying units is to be the service units for the needs of NCBJ and the required operating parameters. In the scope of project outsourcing, SEFAKO cooperates with the Central Office of Boiler Structures from Tarnowskie Góry, which are part of the SEFAKO Capital Group.
In the 80s of the twentieth century, the Central Office of Boiler Design software for the device of a portable device into nuclear energy, especially for units with a capacity of 440 and 1000 MWe, installations and launched in the former countries associated in Comecon – the USSR, East Germany, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia.
These devices can be ranked as follows:
- pressure stabilizer,
- stabilization system dump tank,
- regular milk heat exchanger,
- secondary heat exchanger,
- The perfect device: heat exchangers and tanks.
For the needs of a modern CBKK nuclear power plant, it is possible to prepare documentation for the device, as well as detailed analysis and designs (e.g. I&C) along with advanced tests.
The government document of the PPEJ takes into account the rational maximization of the inclusion of Polish entities in the process of preparation for construction and during the construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants. This will not only translate into their commercial success and the development of new industries, but will also benefit the entire economy. SEFAKO, as an entity that has been used in the proceedings for almost 50 years, is in the group of several companies that, with the use of adaptation measures, were implemented in a very short time, and can operate in core projects. In the perspective of long-term integration of SEFAKO in the chain of sub-suppliers of the global nuclear industry, there is an opportunity and it may bring a number of benefits, regardless of the global scale and the computer.
Fabryka Kotłów “SEFAKO” SA, operating on the market since 1974, is one of the main manufacturers of boilers for heating, waste incineration, industrial power engineering and cooperation in Poland and Europe.
The “SEFAKO” offer includes boilers fired with gas, oil, biomass and boilers for mechanical waste disposal. Boiler units produced by “SEFAKO” use many waste incineration plants both in Poland and Europe, and district heating boilers heat many towns and productions.
Fabryka Kotłów “SEFAKO” SA is one of the main criteria in the Świętokrzyskie region, which is why attention should be paid to nearly 1,000 sources from the city and communes of Sędziszów, as well as neighboring communes.
The company has been covered by Corporate Social Responsibility for years, as part of local and self-government activities in the field of education, social assistance, sport and culture.