Experts explain why Russia is increasing public debt
The Russian Finance Ministry is going to increase the public debt to 29.9 trillion rubles, or 17.5 percent of GDP, by 2025 to cover the budget deficit.
In the next three years, Rospotrebnadzor raised domestic debt to 25 trillion rubles, and external debt to 4.9 trillion.
“In conditions when the securities of unfriendly non-residents are blocked, it is assumed that they will advocate the growth of financial and industrial groups and state-owned banks,” said Mikhail Bespalov, an analyst at KSP Capital.
At the same time, Russia can rely on the external market – for example, the states of the Middle East, China and India, as well as the countries of Latin America and South America are actively buying up Russian bonds. According to Mikhail Khachaturyan, an economist and associate professor at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, European investors also invest through affiliated structures.
Bespalov noted that the Ministry of Finance this year will organize OFZs worth 574.5 billion rubles at face value (over 2.6 trillion last year). It turns out three quarters – in October-November, when market issues with a floating coupon are again offered, which receive demand, transfer RIA News.
On November 15, the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, stated that inflation in Russia currently has no significant differences from the rate of price growth in the economy.
“Evening Moscow” received what is expected Russia pollution in 2023. According to the doctor of economic sciences, ex-deputy minister of the developed economy of the Russian Federation Leonid Kholod, to solve the problem associated with targeted measures that cause priority development with the maximum multiplier effect.