Casa della Donna, more resources against violence
The agreement with the Health Society has been renewed and expanded, also in the face of unfortunately increasing numbers due to the phenomenon of violence against women
PISA — There Health Society of the Pisa area entered into a new agreement with House of the Woman for the management of the anti-violence center and the shelter.
A fundamental service for the area, blatantly demonstrated by the numbers: in the first 10 months of the year, there were 1,143 calls arrived on the centre’s listening line. There were also many women who contacted the Pisan anti-violence centre: 436 in all, of which 306 did so for the first time. The novelty, however, is that two thirds of them, or 294, have activate a path out of violence.
“These surveys tell us two things, of opposite sign but both relevant – explained the president of the Health Society and mayor of San Giuliano Terme, Sergio DiMaio – on the one hand that the emergency that began in the toughest period of the pandemic is far from over; on the other hand, however, the awareness of women on the opportunity to break free from the shackles of violence. We never had any doubts, but it is the confirmation that we have done very well to extend and strengthen the collaboration”.
The new agreement will last until 2025 and provides for a commitment by the Pisan Health Society equal to 127 thousand euros, 32 thousand more than the previous one. “Why we decided to increase resources? – he said Valentina Bertinimember of the shareholders’ meeting with responsibility for equal opportunities – it seems to me that it emerges clearly from the data: the phenomenon is growing and must be tackledbut it also extends women who are asking for help and we need to support them”
“We are very satisfied with this new agreement and with the new resources allocated for the anti-violence center and the shelter, which allow us to program our services with greater stability – he commented Carla Pocchinipresident of the Casa della Donna – is a guarantee that joins that of the provincial administration, which has us assigned the headquarters in via Galli Tassi on free loan for five years: two fundamental supports that come at the right time given that since 2020, the year of the pandemic, the number of women who call our dedicated number has been steadily increasing”.
The Anti-Violence Center it is the gateway to services to combat violence against women and ensures a listening service, with telephone interviews and preliminary meetings, as well as reception, guaranteeing the protection of victims. There shelter houseinstead, it is a structure with a secret address, which provides safe accommodation to women who suffer violence and their children free of charge with the aim of protecting them and safeguarding their physical and mental safety
“This new convention represents an important signal for all women who suffer violence and that every day we ask for help from our center – he concluded Giovanna Zittiellocoordinator of the anti-violence center – building synergies and proximity services is essential to prevent and combat violence against women”.
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