PRONOS PARIS RMC Betting on the future world champion
Our prediction: Who will win the World Cup?
Tomorrow is the big day! The 22nd World Cup in history organized for the second time in Asia (Qatar) after that of 2002 (Korea / Japan) has its favorite, Brazil, already winners in Yokohama twenty years ago. Could this be a sign? In 2018, France won the trophy twenty years after the one won at home. Can the Selecao do the same? The bookmakers think so and so does the entire Paris RMC Dream Team.
We are unanimous in citing Neymar’s partners among our three favourites. Just behind the “Auriverde” (4.50), Messi’s Argentina is the most cited (six times). Yohan Bredow did not place Albi-Céleste (6.50) among his three favorites. He preferred Belgium (20.00), however aging. But he is the only one. For us, the two giants of South America should not escape the 2022 World Cup. It is true that the European winners have always been crowned in Europe, with the exception of Spain in South Africa (2010 ). France only comes third behind Brazil and Argentina with only three votes: only Eric Di Meco, Yohan Bredow and Benoît Boutron have placed the Blues among the possible winners. For Jérôme Rothen, Lionel Charbonnier, Rolland Courbis and me, the Blues will pass the first round but will only reach, at best, the 1/2 finals. The notable absences (Pogba, Kanté and N’kunku), the inexperience of the midfielder, the uncertainties in defense and the curse of the tenants for three competitions do not encourage us to make France a potential world champion. Jérôme Rothen sees more Portugal, Rolland Courbis England, Lionel Charbonnier Germany, Yohan Bredow Belgium and me the Netherlands, to worry about the South American duo. Now it’s up to you to make up your own mind!
Each member of the Paris RMC gave three potential winners.
Eric Di Meco
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
France (8.00)
Lionel Charbonnier
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
Germany (1:00 p.m.)
Jerome Rothen
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
Portugal (18.00)
Rolland Courbis
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
England (11:00 a.m.)
Christophe Paillet
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
Netherlands (14.00)
Yohan Bredow
Brazil (4.50)
France (8.00)
Belgium (20.00)
Benoit Boutron
Brazil (4.50)
Argentinian (6.50)
France (8.00)