The information of San Marino: “The Bns-Sga operation weighs on the State for another 10.5 million”
The Bns-Sga operation weighs on the State for another 10.5 million. Article 3 bis presented by the government, strongly contested by the same majority. Lapidary wedge: “I cannot tolerate some amendments of the executive”
ANTONIO FABBRI – Tensions, all in the majority, on the second budget adjustment. In particular, on some amendments presented by the secretariat of state for finance and the government. To understand the climate, it is enough to quote a sentence from the Network councilor, Matteo Wedge: “I can not tolerate some amendments brought by the government, we will have the opportunity to talk about them.” And among the amendments that are mostly disliked there is thearticle 3 bis. An article that puts another 10.5 million on the state. An amount that is linked, once again, to how the law on bank resolutions was managed, obviously in a bad way, and to the confusion that ensued with the coincidence of subjects who, even in judicial offices, found themselves at the same time to be complainants and denounced parties, the injured party and the accused, so much so that the law itself in part was the subject of an exception of Constitutionality, which was then accepted. But that the confusion still lodges in these legal entities, and also in the management that has been made of them in post Banca Cis phaseit is clear from article 3 bis, presented with an amendment, much contested, presented by the secretariat for finance and the government. (…)
Article taken from The Information of San Marino