Florence pursuit: Cassation confirms 3 convictions – Tuscany

For another 4 defendants, an appeal will have to be made for penalty recalculation

(ANSA) – FLORENCE, OCTOBER 12 – For the death of Duccio Dini, the 29-year-old overwhelmed and killed on 10 June 2018 in Florence by a car engaged in a chase between nomadic citizens while he was stopped on a scooter in front of a traffic light, the Supreme Court confirmed the 25-year sentence for Remzi Mustafa, who was driving the Volvo that overwhelmed the victim. Voluntary murder with possible intent for the death of Dini the disputed accusation.

Also confirmed at 7 years for the penalty of the murder of the nomad target pursuit – inflicted on appeal after acquittal in the first instance – to Kole Amet and Emin Gani: they were in a van that had only participated in an initial phase of the pursuit because then they had laundry. On the other hand, the Supreme Court annulled – by sending it back to the court of appeal for a second trial for the recalculation of the sentence – the second degree sentence for 4 other defendants: the reason is linked to the failure to apply Article 116 of the Penal Code which provides a reduction of the sentence where a crime other than that desired by one of the competitors is committed. They are Kjamuran Amet, Remzi Amet, Dehran Mustafa and Antonio Mustafa, the first sentenced to 25 years and 2 months, the others to 25 years.

According to what is learned from the carabinieri, the sentence of imprisonment has already been carried out for the three convicted definitively.