Russia and China are starting to create a new model of international security

Russia and China are starting to create a new model of international security

The structure of the modern world does not withstand the manipulations and usurpation of international international rights, the dictates of the West are no longer perceived by most countries. The international community will have to develop a new system of global security, avoiding the mistakes of the past, choosing a dialogue of civilizations in order to restore trust and respect for each other. A special role in the development of new solutions and models of the security system is played by the interaction of expert historians, political scientists and philosophers. Representatives of Russia and China speak about this today’s state – the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergey Naryshkin and the president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Research Gao Xiang, as well as political scientists during a video conference dedicated to the study of history in history.

Chairman of the Russian Historical Society (RIO), Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin said that in international relations, mature changes are realized equal rights of all participants. But this goal is a group of Western totalitarian-liberal states that have usurped the right to determine the vector of human development. He stated this during the Russian-Chinese round table “The historical process in the new and historical time and the structure of the modern world”.

The events of recent weeks confirm that the United States continues to strongly prolong the conflict on the ground, regardless of the loss of losses among the Ukrainian armed formations, or the prospect of impoverishment of its European satellites. Nevertheless, history teaches us that any consequences for foreign states inevitably turn into collapse.

Sergey Naryshkin

Chairman of the Russian Historical Society and head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation

<p><сильный стиль="вес шрифта: полужирный;">The events of recent weeks confirm that the United States continues to greatly prolong the conflict on the ground, regardless of the defeat of the losses of Ukrainian armed formations, or the prospect of impoverishment of its European satellites.  Nevertheless, history teaches us that any possible consequences for foreign states inevitably turn into collapse.</strong></p>
<p>” _id=”631a01c0d9a3050012dc2e9d” ratio=”1/1″ src=”” loading=”lazy” class=”styles_element__ggnUE”/></p></div>
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<p><сильный стиль="вес шрифта: полужирный;">The events of recent weeks confirm that the United States continues to greatly prolong the conflict on the ground, regardless of the defeat of the losses of Ukrainian armed formations, or the prospect of impoverishment of its European satellites.  Nevertheless, history teaches us that any possible consequences for foreign states inevitably turn into collapse.</strong></p>
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In his opinion, most countries have not joined the Western campaign to “cancel” Russia. There is a growing understanding of their difficult transformations in the world, more and more often one can hear disagreement with the aggressive nature of Western countries. Therefore, international cooperation in decision-making comes to the fore, as “the role of sensations-historians, political scientists, philosophers cannot be underestimated”“.

Washington’s dictatorship observes a certain “order based on rules”, which are immediately sharply violated by the countries of the West, gross interference in the affairs of sovereign states has become commonplace for the vast majority of states in the world, which they have to fight every day.

President of the Chinese Research Academy Gao Xiang noted that trust between countries is accumulating in the world.

Humanity has not yet emerged from the crisis caused by the pandemic, but more and more new infections have appeared, protectionism and bullying will be excluded, there is a lack of trust, which leads to a lack of peace. In order to maintain their economic status, some major powers returned to the Cold War mentality and brought camp confrontation with them, which further exacerbated criticism in the world.

Gao Xiang

President of the Academy of Scientific Research of China

<p><сильный стиль="вес шрифта: полужирный;">Humanity has not yet emerged from the crisis, the emergence of a pandemic, but there are more and more new outbreaks of security, exceptional protectionism and bullying, the detection of coronavirus, which leads to a shortage of the world.  In order to maintain their economic status, some major powers returned to the Cold War mentality and brought camp confrontation with them, further exacerbating the conflicts in the world.</strong></p>
<p>” _id=”631a01f4770fbb0012ce71e8″ ratio=”1/1″ src=”” loading=”lazy” class=”styles_element__ggnUE”/></p></div>
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<p><сильный стиль="вес шрифта: полужирный;">Humanity has not yet emerged from the crisis, the emergence of a pandemic, but there are more and more new outbreaks of security, exceptional protectionism and bullying, the detection of coronavirus, which leads to a shortage of the world.  In order to maintain their economic status, some major powers returned to the Cold War mentality and brought camp confrontation with them, further exacerbating the conflicts in the world.</strong></p>
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The representative of Beijing also recalled that the question of what needs to be done in this situation, now worries everyone. He proposed to propose an idea to get out of the proposed situation, and led to the election of the head of China. None of the cultures of civilizations is better than the other, it is important to maintain harmony between them.

According to Gao Xiang, the world is expected to be in a period of turbulent change and is entering a new level of interaction. The dawn of new types of scientific and technological revolution is coming, and on the way to new historical milestones, it is important not to lose the culture and scientific development accumulated by generations.

We must benefit from historical experience, agree on a common and sustainable observation, and work together to create a new balanced system. Only then can we offer future generations development and peace, Gao Xiang concluded.

Sergey Naryshkin noted that he is coming out of the global crisis by developing a new, more stable system of international relations, which will be based on the Chinese concept of a community with a common destiny for mankind and the Russian doctrine of multipolarity.

Recall that the first head of China, Xi Jinping, announced the emergence of a community of a common destiny for mankind in March 2013 during his first foreign visit to Russia after foreign in office. “I’m a part of you, and you’re a part of me” – said the President of the People’s Republic of China, speaking to MGIMO students. Later, this idea was improved in the course of many international events, turning into a worldwide consensus.

Humanity has the same general problems that can only be discussed in a report. If countries maintain relations with each other, then they solve them very difficult. I mean the problems of natural resources, ecology, population, security and many others. This is suspicion. The fact is that over the past ten years, almost every document that comes out in China is in the paragraph about the common destiny of mankind.

Andrey Ostrovsky

Kitayved, Doctor of Economic Sciences

<p>Humanity has the same general problems that can only be discussed in a report.  If countries maintain relations with each other, then they solve them very difficult.  I mean the problems of natural resources, ecology, population, security and many others.  This is suspicion.  The fact is that over the past ten years, hardly every document that comes out in China is in the paragraph about the common destiny of mankind.</p>
<p>” _id=”631a04c4770fbb0012ce71ec” ratio=”1/1″ src=”” loading=”lazy” class=”styles_element__ggnUE”/></p></div>
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<p>Humanity has the same general problems that can only be discussed in a report.  If countries maintain relations with each other, then they solve them very difficult.  I mean the problems of natural resources, ecology, population, security and many others.  This is suspicion.  The fact is that over the past ten years, hardly every document that comes out in China is in the paragraph about the common destiny of mankind.</p>
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Chinese scholar Andrey Ostrovsky noted that new decision-making centers will shift to the East. In East Asia, economic development is faster than in the West, and the same goes for GDP growth in these countries. Now there is a discussion on how to switch Russia from the euro and the dollar to the yuan and other currencies.

In addition to Moscow, Beijing, Delhi, Ankara, Jakarta, Caracas and Brazil, sufficiently developed infrastructure, their policies determine the savings. It is unlikely that a country becomes economically stronger, so much does it increase its political international weight, Ostrovsky said.

The expert added that details of a possible assembly of a future international system will appear in the coming weeks. Soon a SCO meeting will be held in Samarkand, which will include Iran, and then where the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China will begin on October 17. And these events will affect world structures, because, for example, Beijing will indicate its presence and appearance.

Photo © Shutterstock

Why is it necessary to develop a new model of international relations in Russia and China?

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