MFG-Pöttler: Salzburg care scandal shows total failure of the black-green-pink state government  MFG people

MFG-Pöttler: Salzburg care scandal shows total failure of the black-green-pink state government MFG people

Salzburg, Vienna (OTS) With dismay, Dr. Gerhard Pöttler, state spokesman for MFG and former commercial manager of SALK, on ​​the grievances that have now become apparent in a Salzburg nursing home: “These are the consequences of black-green-pink looking the other way for years: the ruling parties have allowed the health system to be starved and good qualified staff is driven away with harassing Covid measures. ”Enormous money was also wasted on Covid vaccinations. These broke billions in profits for the pharmaceutical industry, but did not offer sufficient protection – but health-endangering side effects. “It will have to be clarified whether it is a complete failure of supervision by the responsible state government or whether it is a deliberate turning a blind eye to the catastrophic care deficits that many industry experts have known for a long time,” says Pöttler.

Criticism of the privatization and sell-out of nursing homes

The ongoing outsourcing and de facto privatization of nursing homes over the past two centuries has exacerbated the situation. In these privatized group homes, some of which are listed on the stock exchange, the focus is on maximizing profits instead of on quality of care. The scandal shows once again that institutions of daily life should not be sold off, as unfortunately happened with the state energy companies OMV and Verbund. “It is the people who are left behind. The government under Governor Haslauer is the gravedigger of the Salzburg health and social system. We as MFG are now giving the sick, old and handicapped a face and are committed to aging with dignity,” says Pöttler.

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