Terminal 2 Prague fly limited parking. The court is the Czech Presidency of the EU
A stranger was drowning in a flying flight, pyrotechnics exploded in his backpack. IRS units intervene in the city. (April 12, 2022)
| photo: Ji Meixner, iDNES.cz
Due to the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU, the government estimates that a total of about 80,000 people should travel between Prague and Brussels during the next six months.
Due to the transport of various events, Fly Prague allows passengers to use the PB Economy car park in front of the Terminal 2 entrance hall or the express car park in front of Terminal 1.
We recommend following the traffic navigation when entering the flight. All these parks will be free for 15 minutes. When knitting at Terminl 2, we recommend passengers to follow the navigation at the entrance from the hall of the hall or to find out more information, to Jakub Puchalsk, only board of directors of Letit Prague.
Due to the changes, there will be a number of police officers and aides on the flight. Police will assist at the entrance to the stage and at the intersection of Schengensk and Aviatick streets. There will be a number of parking assistants in the parking lot on the parking lot, who will help passengers with navigation, said Letit Praha in the first place.
The number of passengers will be mainly until July 21
R took over the presidency on July 1. The critic will be especially from July 6 to 21, when 6,000 people should move between Prague and Brussels. This is currently the flight capacity of the route.
At present, only Brussels Airlines flies from Prague to Brussels with Zaventem, which will only fly one flight a day during the holidays. However, this will not be enough to support passengers, so they will have to use, for example, he gave a Ryanair flight, which flies from Prague to the city of Charleroi, is located about 60 kilometers from Brussels, or airlines with a diversion.
For delegates from the surrounding countries, according to the government variant, both trains and cars are connected. In the autumn, the situation should improve, because Brussels Airlines will be flying and those flights are daily.