AVISO: Admission procedure for medical studies on July 8th – press events in Vienna, Innsbruck, Graz and Linz

AVISO: Admission procedure for medical studies on July 8th – press events in Vienna, Innsbruck, Graz and Linz

Vienna (OTS) By the end of March 2022, 15,788 people had registered online for the joint MedAT admissions procedure for studying at the medical universities in Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz and at the medical faculty of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. The admissions process will now take place on Friday, July 8, 2022. There will be press events at several locations on July 8 (details see below).

In order to take part in the events, we ask media representatives to register in a binding manner. Wearing an FFP2 mask is required. The number of participants in the MedAT admissions procedure will be announced on July 8 by 1 p.m. via a joint mailing.

The details of the respective press dates on July 8, 2022:

Medical University of Vienna / Vienna Exhibition Center: “Info” access via Foyer A (journey: underground line U2 Prater), start: 8:45 a.m., press conference with Anita Rieder, Vice Rector for Education at MedUni Vienna. Registration at: [email protected]

Innsbruck Medical University / Innsbruck Exhibition Center: Start 8:00 a.m., meeting point at the corner of Claudiastrasse/ Siebererstrasse, Messe Freigelände Nord by the bike racks at 7:45 a.m., press conference with Wolfgang Prodinger, Vice Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs at Med Uni Innsbruck, in the foyer of the fair restaurant. Registration at: [email protected]

Medical University of Graz / Graz Exhibition Center: Sabine Vogl, Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching at Med Uni Graz, is available from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for questions and statements.
Registration at: [email protected]

Johannes Kepler University Linz / Messe Wels Hall 21 and Hall 22: Stefan Koch, Vice Rector for Teaching and Students at the JKU, will be available at 8:20 a.m. for a short statement and questions. Registration at: [email protected]

The registration numbers in detail:

Medical University of Vienna: A total of 7,881 applications (2021: 8,713) – 7,240 for human medicine, 641 for dentistry. Of these, 2,889 are men (2021: 3,123) and 4,992 are women (2021: 5,590).

Medical University of Innsbruck: A total of 3,350 registrations (2021: 3,951) – 3,055 for human medicine, 295 for dentistry. Of these, 1,211 are men (2021: 1,395) and 2,139 are women (2021: 2,556).

Medical University of Graz: A total of 2,650 registrations (2021: 2,936), 2,494 for human medicine, 156 for dentistry. Of these, 962 are men (2021: 1,097) and 1,688 are women (2021: 1,839).

Medical Faculty of the JKU Linz: A total of 1,907 registrations (2021: 2,223). Of these, 689 are men (2021: 850) and 1,218 are women (2021: 1,373).

A total of 1,850 study places

A total of 1,850 study places (2021: 1,740 places) are available for human medicine and dentistry for the 2022/23 academic year, of which 760 are at the Medical University of Vienna, 410 at the Medical University of Innsbruck, 370 at the Medical University of Graz and 310 at the Medical School Faculty of the JKU Linz. At least 95 percent of the study places are for EU citizens and are expected to be reserved for people who have equal access to studies, and at least 75 percent of the study places are for applicants with a school-leaving certificate from Austria. However, this quota regulation only applies to the allocation of study places in human medicine.

Questions & contact:

Mag. Johannes Zorner
medical university Vienna
Head of Communications and Public Relations
Phone: 01/ 40 160 11 501
email: pr@meduniwien.ac.at
Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna

Mag. Gerhard Auer
Medical University of Graz
Public Relations and Event Management
Phone: 0316/385-72023
Email: press@medunigraz.at
Auenbrüggerplatz 2, 8036 Graz

Dr. Barbara Hoffmann-Ammann
Medical University Innsbruck
Communication, Public Relations & Media Service Center
Phone: 0512/9003-71830
Email: Public Relations@i-med.ac.at
Christoph-Probst-Platz 1, 6020 Innsbruck

Mag.a Sonja Raus
Johannes Kepler University Linz
PR manager
Phone: +43 732 2468 3008
Mobile: +43 664 60 2468 299
Email: sonja.aus@jku.at
Altenberger Strasse 69, 4040 Linz



