Apple Store gift cards available in Belgium
In turn the Apple Store in Belgium offer gift cards valid to buy any material or accessory sold on the Apple website and in its stores.
France and Switzerland had their neighbor as a neighbor this week, because in these three countries Apple has so far only offered valid cards on its digital content stores.
Apple Store gift cards available in France and Switzerland
However, Belgium does things differently, since the two types of cards continue to be sold in parallel. One for digital and the other for hardware, they are not interchangeable in their use. App Store for one (to simplify), Apple Store for the new one. The latter can have a value between 25 and 2,000 €.
In the other two countries, the App Store card has disappeared in favor of a single “Gift Card”, valid both on dematerialized platforms and for a physical product. iTunes & App Store-only gift cards are still available sold at starselectwhich offers discounts from time to time.