With the great heat, the activity of the emergency plan of the elderly frailty nucleus of the northern district also increases, which, starting from 16 May, already has 303 over 75 years old from the Municipality of Rimini to monitor their state of health and provide them with indications necessary to limit the discomfort of the hottest days.
A round of calls useful to inform older citizens on how to feel the high temperatures and make them less alone. Often the control phone call becomes in fact therapeutic for him, given that many of these elderly people live alone and feeling sought, cared for and listened to already brings positive effects.
In the most serious cases, a report is made to the health services for prompt intervention.
In addition to telephone calls, home visits are provided for some specific situations through coordination with the social and health services and prompt assistance.
The main actions envisaged by the Hot Emergency Plan first of all contemplate the close connection between local authorities and the Ausl, with general practitioners, with voluntary associations and non-profit organizations to make interventions the most efficient. possible.
A telephone number for reporting
It is also possible for citizens and family members, or the elderly themselves, to report discomfort to the dedicated telephone number of the Elderly Fragility Unit: 0541/1490572
Here are some practical tips and advice to avoid suffering from the heat
Drinking alcohol, coffee, carbonated or sugary drinks. The intake of alcoholic beverages depresses the nerve centers and stimulates diuresis, both conditions unfavorable to heat loss.
Best to go out between 12pm and 5pm. These are not only the hottest hours of the day but are also the ones with the highest ozone levels.
Using curtains or closing shutters during the hottest hours; limit the use of the oven and stove, which can contain to raise the temperature in the house.
Never leave anyone, even for short periods, in cars parked in the sun.
Consult your doctor before taking mineral supplements if you are taking medications on a regular basis.
Reduce diaper use for children and the elderly as much as possible.
Watch as much as possible with other people.
If you are assisting a person who has suffered from heat stroke, sunstroke or collapse, the first thing to do is to call for help. While waiting, make the affected person lie on his back in a cool and ventilated place with his legs raised and perform sponging with cold water; if the person is conscious, administer non-frozen liquids (not alcohol or coffee). Among the consequences of heatstroke there can also be uncontrollable contractions and spasms: in this case it is necessary to ensure that the victim does not get injured, and he must not receive anything to drink or eat. In case of vomiting, check that the open airway could turn the victim on his side.
The appeal to citizens is to respect the suggestions for limiting the effects of heat and to report any cases of fragility to intervene. Active service throughout the summer.

CS Municipality of Rimini

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