Summer has come, mosquito nightmare has started in Istanbul
For the last few weeks, Istanbul has had an important problem… the same complaints from everyone, applications and social communication are talked about a lot. I’m talking about mosquito breeding. There are ‘doors and windows could not be opened’ reproaches from every district that is finished on both sides. ‘It used to be around the streets in mosquito spray vehicles, we can’t see it anymore. Why is there no spraying?’ it’s called. Self-smoked hair, the last word, is that white smoke is not spraying with vehicles. Because it has been a long time since we gave up on this application of pesticides and starting health.
So what will be done? There is a discussion of larvae, so don’t destroy it. Let’s face it, it is obvious that there is a problem in this problem with mosquitoes in the fight against the suspicious relative larvae. So what is that problem? So, I asked the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality to the addressee on the traffic floor in this car. Because its authority and authority belongs to the metropolitan municipalities. According to the decision taken in 2008; Authorization to attack Turkey, attack the Metropolitan Municipalities. 2017 1 In the General Directorate of Local Administrations, it is said that ‘The main duty and responsibility of Ilalama is directed to the municipalities in the Metropolitan Municipality, in case of need, this service is directed in a centered manner with the Metropolitan Municipalities.
According to the teaching of IMM; Department of Health; Fighting against mosquitoes, houseflies, fleas, cockroaches, mice, and ticks, as well as 182 teams and 611 personals. Istanbul’s mosquito war, which broke out in September 2021, plays an important role in this fight. The most frequent schools of mosquitoes are Beykoz, Sarıyer, Silivri Çatalca, Büyükçekmece, Şile and Ümraniye.
182 continuation of the fight against mosquitoes will continue in IMM. is it? For example; An empty water bottle left in the garden, a second-hand tire left on the road or the course of the pots turn into a water bottle that is not emptied. 86 percent of breeding mosquitoes are in the stylish appearance of humans.
Again, due to the regulation of IMM, it is not preferred except in cases not to spoil the lifestyle.
Mosquito Trap for 39 Districts
A total of 2 thousand ovitraps in 39 districts were not installed by the IMM Health Department, where the species will give their eggs. Together with these, they installed adult mosquito traps called EVS. It also carries out studies on mosquito designs in the regions. Apply to apply to benefit from this device.
IN THE LAST THREE YEARS, 29 thousand 95 hectares of land have been fought.
IMM data: Mosquito discussions from June 2019 to June 2022 seasons; It was checked 9 million 895 thousand 249 times. The sources were sprayed 1 million 264 thousand 709 times. A total of 29,009 in 95 territorial struggles.
The IMM system is more service-oriented than the “Mosquito System” application, its use is mosquito notification modelling. Thanks to the application to be downloaded on the mobile phone, it is aimed to evaluate and evaluate the requests more easily and to make full use of the field.