Milan Knížák: The End of Prague – politics from all sides

Milan Knížák: The End of Prague – politics from all sides

6/30/2022 12:52 PM | Comment

Dear architects, dear city officials: you are fools.

photo: Hans Štembera
Caption: Milan Knížák

You were seduced by the pofider paint of fame of the architect Zaha Hadid and you build a superficially decorative, and especially a huge complex of houses in the middle of Prague, which will destroy the view of Prague, which was lucky to have mostly preserved small buildings on historic floor plans. I would like to remind you of something.

One of Zaha Hadid’s first realizations is the House for Firefighters in Vitra, a furniture factory in Weil am Rhein (Germany). It has a bold solution with sharp corners and is useless. Firefighters soon realized that it did not meet their requirements, and a new house was built. Zaha Hadid’s building is now proving to be an example of modern architecture, I add architecture to no avail. By the way, in the same area stands the Vitra Museum by Frank Gehry. It is actually a sculpture, which does not bother the museum so much, only with the proviso that the house has narrow corners. I have all this from my own experience, because I worked with Vitra.

Although I am not baptized by the Vltava, but by Mží or perhaps Úslava, I respect Prague as a unique architectural complex. The current flood from all over the world of copied barracks frightens me, because it systematically destroys Prague, and the Masaryk Railway Station housing estate project is a blow from which Prague is hard to recover.

I am becoming more and more aware of how incompetent they rule this world.

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author: PV



