Legal actions: the town hall of Toulouse fails in its duty of transparency
Whether a municipality is at the origin of a legal action or has to defend itself in an action against it, the mayor must make public his decision “to take legal action”. In Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc has repeatedly freed himself from this obligation of the general code of local authorities. In the Loriente case, for example, the lawyer for this ex-municipal agent had to seize the Cada to demand a copy of all the decisions to sue the town hall in this procedure with drawers. The municipality was only able to send him three instead of the 33 expected, recognizing, in July 2021, “that there were no other documents authorizing him to go to court concerning the person concerned”.
During the municipal council of April 1, the elected opposition Odile Maurin (Citizen Archipelago) challenged the mayor on this subject. Which promised a response in writing. After several reminders from Odile Maurin, the municipality finally responded to the elected opposition member, largely evading the initial question. In a letter dated April 29, Pierre Esplugas, deputy mayor in charge of legal affairs and litigation, merely recalled the mayor’s competence to “bring any type of legal action aimed at preserving or guaranteeing the interests of the community, whatever the financial stakes of the dispute. If indeed a d . . .