Heavy rain and gusts of wind threaten: Storms are possible in Frankfurt and Hesse today

Heavy rain and gusts of wind threaten: Storms are possible in Frankfurt and Hesse today

The German weather service predicts severe thunderstorms for Thursday in Frankfurt and Hesse, storms with heavy rain and squalls are possible!

Offenbach am Main – Hot, sometimes muggy air determines this Thursday Weather in Frankfurt and whole Hesse: Storms with heavy rain, hail and squalls are possible!

On Thursday it will be hot in summer in Hesse: The Wetteronline.de service (graphic) predicts up to 32 degrees. According to the German Weather Service, there is also a risk of severe thunderstorms. © Montage: 123RF/mdesigner125, Screenshot/Wetteronline.de

From midday it can locally close north of the Main strong thunderstorms come, die “locally restricted” too storms with more than 30 liters of rain per square meter, predicts the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach am Main.

In addition, small-grain hail and gusts of wind with a speed of around 80 km/h are possible.

In the course of the evening, the strong thunderstorms in Hesse should then accumulate. There is still a risk of heavy rain and an “increasing probability of severe gusts of wind up to 100 km/h”.

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The weather should only calm down again on Friday night, and the thunderstorms will then move east from Hesse.

In addition, it will be hot in summer in the federal state on Thursday: the meteorologists in Offenbach predict maximum values ​​of 28 to 33 degrees.

According to the DWD, Friday in Hesse should be 20 to 23 degrees cooler with daily highs. It was changed to very cloudy, showery rain is possible.

In the course of the day, however, the sky should clear up, and there will only be occasional short showers.

For the Saturday in Frankfurt and for the whole of Hesse, the German weather service even predicts almost perfect summer weather: “Clear and free of precipitation” with maximum temperatures of 25 to 29 degrees.



