free until September 30th
Concessions to markets in public areas have also been renewed for 10 years, until 2032: street markets, own markets and off-market parking spaces.
Extension until 30 September the free concessions for tables, umbrellas and chairs for bars and restaurants a Naples. It’s official. For the exercises, therefore, everything will remain as it is now throughout the summer, as confirmed by institutional sources at These are the Covid concessions for simplified occupations of public land expiring today, 30 June 2022. The Italian Parliament has extended the deadline for another three months, until the end of September. The extension was implemented by the Department of Commerce of the Municipality of Naples, led by the councilor Teresa Armed.
The measure had already been extended once after the end of the state of national health emergency for Covid19, on March 31 last. The Parliament, decided to accept the requests of the categories, the ANCI and some political forces including the M5s, had extended the measure to 30 June 2022, thanks to the law 15/2022, which converted the Milleproroghe decree. Now a new extension of another three months has arrived.
Also renew the merchant concessions
The renewal of the concessions to markets in public areas for 10 years, until 2032. A long-awaited measure from the category, for which the PD group also fought in the city council.
Alternate plaques on the SS 163 Amalfi Coast from Vietri to Positano from 18 June until September
“The approval in the City Council of the first budget of the new administration – he comments Gennaro Acampora, leader of the Democratic Party in the City Council – laid the foundations for the turning point that all citizens expect for the quality of life and development of Naples. It is in this perspective that the initiative with which the authorizations / concessions for trade on are public have been renewed until 31 December 2032 must be inserted: street markets, own markets and off-market parking spaces. The PD worked, together with the production activities commission, to obtain this result which finally offers certainties for many operators in an important segment of the city economy. We thank the councilor Teresa Armato who promptly followed up the agenda signed by all the majority council groups approved in the council meeting dedicated to the Budget “.
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