A river of books in Piazza Cavallotti in Pisa

A river of books in Piazza Cavallotti in Pisa

Organized by ERASMUS library and from Independent Publishing Houses of the Province of Pisathe Review – sponsored by the Municipality of Pisa and with the organizational contribution of the Le Piagge Committee – proposes a cycle of outdoor evening meetings to give space to the literary production of the territory, ranging from fiction to non-fiction and memorial, and also reserving a space also suitable for Poetry which cuts out 6 themed evenings curated by the Pisan poetess Nadia Chiaverini and in which well-known authors on the national scene will take part.

To join an initiative tale are Astarte Edizioni, Carmignani Editrice, Della Porta Editori, DreamBOOK Edizioni, ETS Editions, Felici Editore, Il Campano Editions, Marchetti Editore, MDS Editore and Pacini Editorewith various appointments to also enjoy the musical accompaniment, among which the presence of Francesco Bottai, singer-songwriter and guitarist who will speak on Sunday 31 July on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Letters from above the Rain. Intertwining between Music and Literature deserves to be mentioned. in the Italian song “by Fabrizio Bartelloni and Marco Masoni.

Satisfied with the program developed is the owner of the Erasmus Library, Enrico Stampacchia, who underlined: “Let’s start with the success of last year’s first edition, which allowed us to bring together all the publishing houses of our Province, which is why this ” summer we tried to improve the offer thanks to the presentation of books that are of interest to those who will be involved in the specific subject as well as people passing by, having chosen very interesting texts, as well as cheerful in this respect, whose meetings with readers they will be accompanied by musical interventions also of a certain importance to make the evenings even more pleasant “.

“An initiative that this year”, continues Stampacchia, “also opens the doors to Poetry, as thanks to the collaboration of the Pisan poet Nadia Chiaverini, the latter has curated four presentations of Poetry books by important authors also on the national scene and who come to Pisa precisely to participate in this Review, which can only enrich our offer from a qualitative point of view, which becomes more varied than in the past. of the event in Piazza Cavallotti, recently redeveloped, represents a sort of crossroads between the Pisa of tourists, that of students compared to residents, which is why we have used a point of reference for all types of people who gravitate to the city so that we can A cultural offer that is a little different and can involve the largest number of readers “. How this Event was welcomed by the Administration Municipal Councilor Paolo Pesciatini clarifies this, when he reports that: “it is an initiative that has numerous valuable features, first of all the fact that a small bookshop in our city, together with the small publishing houses of the Province, give life , within a meeting place Piazza Cavallotti, to an event where it is possible to meet authors from our territory and beyond, which is aimed at citizens and tourists, thus connecting together the social, cultural and tourist character of a Review that finds around him also the possibility of involving the commercial activities of the surrounding area, together with the collaboration reached with an association such as the Le Piagge Committee “.



