Repair your Debt Lawyers cancel €27,065 in Martorell (Barcelona) with the Second Chance Law
The law firm of reference in the Second Chance Law has achieved the cancellation of more than 80 million euros
Repair your Debt LawyersOffice of lawyers leader in Spain in the processing of the Second Chance Lawhas achieved a new debt cancellation in Martorell (Barcelona). By managing Repair your debt LawyersThe Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 2 of Martorell has issued a benefit of exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities (BEPI), which had accumulated a debt of 27,065 euros that it could not face. SEE SENTENCE.
How do they explain the Lawyers of Repair your Debt: “Married in separation of property. The couple applied for a mortgage and a personal loan. They also had to finance a vehicle so that her husband could work and over time they reached the situation in which they find themselves without generating what the pending debts require. Finally, seeing that the situation was untenable, she had no choice but to take advantage of the Second Chance Law in order to start a new life free of debts”.
As stated from Repair your debt Lawyers“Spain was one of the latest countries to incorporate into its judicial system the Second Chance Law, a mechanism designed so that natural persons, including the self-employed, can cancel their debts. In this way, the Recommendation of the European Commission of the year 2014 was complied with. Currently, we have one of the most liberal second chance systems or mechanisms in Europe”.
Despite being approved seven years ago, many people are unaware of the existence of this tool. Others do not start the process because they cannot afford the high fees that some lawyersdue to ignorance, lack of specialization, or simply because they think the process is excessively complicated.
Repair your Debt Lawyers Since its inception, it has helped many individuals and freelancers who did not know where to ask for help. To date they have achieved the cancellation of more than 80 million euros of debt.
This legislation helps individuals and freelancers by allowing them to be exempt from all their debts provided that the requirements of having acted in good faith, having sought a prior out-of-court settlement are met and that the amount owed is not more than 5 million euros.
Contact name: Emma Moron
Contact description: Emma Morón
Contact phone: 692875089